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JUNE 1980



The suggestion that the Society should seek to acquire

— at auction — the Smithfield site in Benburb Street,

which adjoins the Blackhall Place property, was rejected

by a special meeting of the Council in May. The decision

was taken after considering advice from a Property

Consultant, the Society's Architect and Solicitor, and

reviewing the accommodation requirements for the next

decade and the financial implications of the purchase.

The financial cost was considered too high for a single

generation of solicitors to carry.

Northern visitors

The Ordinary Meeting of the Council, held on the

same day, was attended by the following members of the

Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland:

Messrs. Patrick S. M. Cross, President; James G.

Doran, Senior Vice-President; C. C. McNally,

Junior Vice-President; Miss T. McKinney, Mr G. P.

Jemphrey and the Secretary, Mr Sydney Lomas.

During the meeting some Council members and the

Director-General were excused to attend in the High

Court as witnesses in the case of

John Fanning and A nor


The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

In his

judgment, delivered after a day-long hearing, Mr Justice

Butler found in favour of the Society.

A report of the case will be published in the


The Court of Justice of the European Communities has

indicated that it will accept the CCBE Identity Card as

evidence of a lawyer's right to audience before the Court.

To be valid for this purpose the CCBE Identity Card

must have been dated within the previous 12 months.

Grave concern was expressed by the Council over the

substantial arrears in Accountants' Certificates, reported

by the Registrar's and Compensation Fund Committee.

Instructions were given that the firms concerned should

fie pressed to submit the appropriate Certificates


The Union Internationale du Notariat Latin (UNIL) is

to be invited by the Society to hold a meeting in Dublin on

a date to be agreed within the next two years.



When the Council was told, at its meeting in May, that

the Minister for Finance had declined to appoint a

Solicitor on the Commission on Taxation, the Council

established an ad hoc Committee to draft a submission to

the Commission. Mr L. K. Shields was appointed

Convenor of the Committee.

Representations were made to the President of the

High Court (at the request of Mr Michael O'Connell) for

an extension of time for service of Motions for judg

ment. Following these representations the period required

has been extended from four to ten days.

Valuation Office delays

Abnormal delays in the Valuation Office were the

subject of concern of a number of members at the June

Council meeting. This problem is being discussed with

both the Minister for Finance and the Minister for the

Public Service, and the need for early improvement is

being emphasised.

There was unanimous agreement to support the

proposal that the Town Agents' requirement should be

abolished. The matter is currently being considered by the

Superior Rules Committee.

Following representations by the Society there has

been a change in the handling of the granting of Social

Welfare Pensions. Members were advised of the change

when official notification was received from the Depart-

ment of Social Welfare.

The Parliamentary Committee's submission in relation

to Section 60 of the Finance Bill 1980 was endorsed.

Stimulating interest

The greater interest, involvement and participation of

the younger members of the profession in the Law Society

is to be sought through the work of a Committee which

will study how this stimulation can be achieved. The new

Committee, which has power to co-opt additional

members, has been set up by unanimous decision of the

Council following consideration of a resolution on the

subject from Mr P. O'Connor and Mr L. K. Shields, who

will form the nucleus of the Committee.

In the matter of Myles P. Shevlin a solicitor and in the

matter of the Solicitors' Acts 1954 and 1960.

BY O R D ER of the President of the High Court dated the

28th day of July, 1980, the name of the above named

solicitor has been restored to the Roll of Solicitors solely

for the purpose of defence in criminal proceedings, state

side work and declaratory actions arising out of criminal



Director General.

In the matter of Philip F. Tormey a solicitor


In the matter of the Solicitors' Acts 1954 and 1960.

BY O R D ER of the President of the High Court dated the

28th day of July, 1980 ( 1 9 80 No. 5S.A.) the name of

the above named solicitor has been struck ofTthe Roll of



Director General.