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JUNE 1980

Correspondence (contd.)

I cannot now recall (if I ever knew) the correct colour

sequence to amend draft documents, but in 1980 bottles

of ink, certainly bottles of red, green and purple ink are

not in frequent use, and the dreaded Ball-Point seems

more readily available in blue, black, red and green.

Hence perhaps the procedure of using the nearest Ball-

Point to hand. Really it is hardly the colour of the ink that

is important, but the clarity of the amendment, and an

indication on the document showing the date the

amendment was made. This makes life easier for the busy

Practitioner and/or colour blind Practitioner.

Yours sincerely,

Barry O'Reilly.

ACC House,

Upper Hatch St.,

Dublin 2.

30th May, 1980.

The Editor,

Law Society Gazette.


Dear Sir,

A propos Gerry Hickey's comments at the recent half-

yearly meeting on the involvement (of lack of it) by

Solicitors in the preparation of financial agreements, I

was recently handed a draft agreement containing

provisions which might be of interest to your readers.

Under the heading 'Invalidity of provision' the

following appeared:—

"Terms and conditions which are invalid shall be

implemented according to the spirit of this


I hasten to add.that an Irish lawyer was not involved

and wonder whether perhaps the draftsman had, in final

interpretation, intended the invocation of the Third

Person of the Trinity!

Yours faithfully,

Dermot Jones.

Oifig an Ard-Chláraitheora,

Custom House,

Dublin 1.

17th June, 1980.

Mr. James J. Ivers,

Director General,

The Law Society.


Dear Mr. Ivers,

I have received your letter of 28th May concerning

applications for marriage certificates for purposes of

raising loans for house purchase.

I realise that there is at present some delay in dealing

with applications to the General Register Office. The

present difficulties in the office arose out of last year's

postal dispute. The very large number of applications

which were held up at that time built up into a

considerable volume of arrears when the dispute ended.

The position was aggravated by the fact that staff were

not being recruited to the Civil Service during the dispute


and by the unprecedented increase in the demand for

certificates during the early part of this year.

Steps have been taken to reduce the arrears and the

position is now improving. I expect that when the backlog

has been cleared applications for certificates will again be

dealt with quickly. In the meantime I suggest that if

people apply to the local Superintendent Registrar for the

County in which their marriage took place they will get a

faster service there.

Yours sincerely,

Brendan Hensey,

A rd-C hidrait heoir.

Land Registry, Central Office,

Chancery Street,

Dublin 7.

18th June, 1980

Mr. James J. Ivers,

Director General,

The Law Society.


Dear Mr. Ivers,

With effect from and including Wednesday, 2nd July,

1980 all Land Registry transactions in relation to

Counties Clare, Galway, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo

will be dealt with at the following address:—

Land Registry,

Nassau Building,

Setanta Centre,

Nassau Street,

Dublin 2.

Transactions relating to Dublin City and County will

continue to be dealt with at the above address.

William T. Moran,




(Common Law)

By reason of current postal delays in the

transmission of documents between Solicitors' town

agents and their country offices, it may happen that

the Solicitor to whom a Notice of Motion is directed

(although served in time and in compliance with the

Rules of the Superior Courts) may not become

aware of the Motion until after the return date

named in the Notice. Consequently, pending further

direction, MOTIONS ON NOTICE in Common

Law matters (other than those returnable for the

Sitting of the Court) being brought either before the

Court or the Master will not be listed for hearing

before the lapse of a period of 10 days after the

lodgment of the Notice in the Central Office (except

by special leave of the Registrar).

