TPT November 2014 - page 32

Technology News
Bendcheck assures straightness
ABSOLUTE straightness is one of the
concise quality criteria in the production
of round bars and pipes. Bendcheck –
the precision laser measuring system
from Zumbach – monitors bending
continuously without missing any
sections directly within the production
This replaces the ODAC
measuring heads used currently to
manually spot test with a non-contact
online test for bending. Apart from the
gain in quality the manufacturer also
saves considerable time through the
use of the online data check.
Bendcheck can be used for
synchronous real time scanning in the
production process; quality assurance
directly after the straightening process;
direct integration in the production
process (customer-specific installation);
and no time consuming and laborious
checks with manual tools.
The system measures the position
and diameter of the product at three
different locations along its axis.
Bendcheck calculates the deviation of
the central measuring head in respect of
a virtual straight line projected from the
position of the left head to the position of
the right head, from the data. This value
is either divided by the distance or by
the distance squared. The operator can
select the preferred formula for the bend
calculation. Thanks to this information,
the bend of the product is continuously
calculated and graphically displayed.
Bendcheck can be operated in a
continuous measuring mode without
encoder, or in a triggered mode where
the measurement pulse is generated by
an encoder along the cutting edge.
The respective data is clearly shown
on a display board. Diameter, absolute
bend value, bending angle as well as the
individual and current measurements
of the three measuring heads are
clearly shown. Additional statistics
complement the informative value of the
Zumbach Electronic AG
– Switzerland
Tool change speeded up
THE tube bending machine manufacturer Schwarze-Robitec
developed the new rapid clamping system Quick Tool Unlock
for tube bending machines according to the engineering motto
“keep it simple”. This allows quick change of the bending
formers without tools and therefore reduces set-up time
The rapid clamping system is comprised of a split tension
rod with clamping lever as well as a swivel device. While in
customary models the continuous tension rod to the swivel
cross arm needs to be unscrewed at the top of the bending
former for a tool change, the procedure is much simpler
with the Quick Tool Unlock. Here, only the clamping lever is
actuated and therefore the connection to the swivel cross arm
The swivel device can subsequently be opened so that the
bending former is exposed at the top. In interaction with the
automatic tool clamping, the bending former can be removed
without any difficulty. There is no longer any need for the
previously necessary unscrewing of the bending former. The
work-saving technology is absolutely self-explanatory and
quick. Another plus for Quick Tool Unlock is that all connections
from static to rotating parts are carried out via rolling bearings,
which contribute to the durability of the machine.
Schwarze-Robitec GmbH
– Germany
Customer’s specific system installation with three ODAC
18XY laser measuring heads
The Quick Tool Unlock System from Schwarze-
Robitec simplifies tool change
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