TPT November 2014 - page 39

Technology News
Flux cored
COREWIRE Ltd, a producer of flux cored welding
consumables and machines for hard-facing and
maintenance applications, has launched a new website.
The enhanced site has been designed specifically to
give visitors an improved user experience and to make it
easier for them to navigate their way around the available
The company was founded in Aldershot, UK, in 1976.
Through constant technical innovation, Corewire is able to
help customers and partner organisations to improve their
efficiency and achieve added value and manufacturing
output, by implementing effective weld repair and reclamation
strategies. The new website offers information on the four
brands under which Corewire products are offered: Corewire,
Forgeweld, Weldclad and Cortech. Corewire specialises
in products designed for general hard-facing, repair and
maintenance, while Forgeweld products are designed for the
repair and reclamation of hot forging dies.
Corewire Ltd
– UK
stainless tube
THE new Pressurfect seamless stainless tube from Sandvik
Materials Technology has won the prestigious Tech Award
at the SAE 2014 World Congress and Exhibition in Detroit,
Michigan, USA.
“The Tech Award is a fantastic honour for Sandvik,” said
Jari Ponsiluoma, global product manager for Pressurfect.
“We now join the ranks of a small number of innovative
companies that have won this award, which is great news
for us.”
The SAE World Congress and Exhibition gathered the
best experts, management teams and engineers in the
automotive industry in April. The editors of Automotive
Engineering International Magazine chose technologies
that met the criteria for their Tech Award from among the
exhibitors. The selections were based on level of design and
engineering innovation; uniqueness; potential for ‘real world’
production application; and potential benefit for industry
customers and end-users.
Sandvik Materials Technology
– Sweden
Trade Fair for
Metallurgy, Machinery,
Plant Technology
and Products
Trade Fair for
Aluminium and
Non-Ferrous Metals,
Materials, Technologies
and Products
Krasnaya Presnya
Moscow, Russia
The International
Tube and Pipe
Trade Fair in Russia
8–11 June 2015
In co-operation with
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
P.O. Box 101006 _ 40001 Düsseldorf _ Germany
Phone +49(0)211/4560-7793 _ Fax +49(0)211/4560-7740
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