••Arf and Arf," or Black and Tan.—(Use a large ale
This is a common English drink and means half porter and
half ale, but in this coun&y we use half old ale and half new.
It Is always best to ask the customer how he desires it.
Brandy Straight.—(Use a small bar glass.)
Put a piece of ice in the glass, set the bottle on the bar,and
allow your customer to help himself.
Pony Brandy.—(Use apony glass.)
Set before the customer a small bar glass, and another con
taining ice water.
Fill a pony glass with best brandy,and pour it Into the empty
JElhine Wine andSeltzer Water.—(Use a large bar glass.)
Pour in Ehine tVine until the glass is half full.
Add two small lumps of ice.
Fill the glass with Seltzer water.
Sherry and Bitters.—(Use a sherry wine glass.)
1 dash Angostura Bitters. "
1 wme glass Sherry.
To prepare the above ai-tistically, dash in your bitters, then
twistthe glass in a way to cover the inside; fill up with sherrj',
and serve.
Sherry and Egg.—(Use a whiskey glass.)
1 Egg,ice cold.
1 wine glassSherry Wine.
Before dropping in the egg, cover the bottom of the glass
with a little sherry, this will prevent the egg adhering to the
glass, or, after preparing the egg as above, setthe bottle of
sherry before the customer and allow him to help himself.
Sherry and Ice.—("Use a whiskey glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of ice apd a small bar spoon in the glass, hand
this to the customer with the bottle of sherry, allowing him to
help himself.