4-8 April
March 2016
On the stand will be a backtwist pairing/
quadding line for special and data cables.
Setic – France
www.pourtier-setic.comShanghai HOSN
Stand: 11E48
HOSN Machinery Technology is a major
enterprise of electrical equipment industry
in China.
Based in Shanghai, HOSN is constantly
developing new, high quality equipment
to meet the ever-changing needs of the
wire and cable industry, and provides
a wide range of wire drawing, twist
stranding, rigid frame stranding, bunching
and cabling machinery.
The company will exhibit the new design
of the rigid frame stranding machine
model JLK630/6+12+18+24+30.
This new generation product is designed
and developed together with the clients
based on their operations, and avoids
the de ciencies of the main design even
from European countries, pursuing simple
operation, low failure rate and easy
maintenance. It is suitable for stranding
or compact round conductors, shaped
conductors or segmental conductors.
Main capability characteristics include:
Each cage and capstan is driven
by a separate motor, the pitch can
be adjusted freely, and the highest
rotating speed can reach 300rpm
The cage transmission is by reducer
from a motor instead of by timing belt;
the cage loading/unloading is driven
by cage motor in low speed mode
The pintle on the cage is opened
pneumatically, and clamped by a
spring device with mechanical safety
lock system; it increases the cage
rotation speed without an air package
With position point xing designed
to guarantee the accurate match for
the cage and bobbin loading and
unloading system, the loading and
unloading device can be motorised or
The energy generated during braking
will be fed back to the power system,
and can achieve energy savings
• The electric system can be used under
remote mode, and wire breaks can
be displayed on the touchscreen
showing the bobbin position on the
Intelligent controller system: with
energy meters, DP communication,
on-site checking PLC system, on-line
monitoring; the data can be uploaded
to the host by PLC. Through an
Internet connection it can achieve
on-site production data readings
and ladder diagram analysis, remote
diagnosis, program upgrades, remote
guidance, etc
The international service team will show
and introduce more materials on the
stand, including:
Rod breakdown machine: Aluminium,
aluminium and alloy rod breakdown
machine, copper rod breakdown
machine. Can be one/two wires, and
have its own gear system or individual
motor transmission system
Twist and stranders: Tubular strander,
rigid strander, single twist and double
twist, central type strander, planetary
strander, bow skip strander, tape and
screening line
Laying up and cabling: Cage type
laying up machine, bow skip type
laying up machine, drum twist machine
Ancillary equipment: pay-o and
take-up, caterpillar, rewinding machine,
coiling machine, dual take-up, taping
machines, etc