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INFORMS Nashville – 2016


2 - Covariance Thresholding And Sparse Pca

Yash Deshpande, Stanford University,

In sparse principal components analysis (PCA), we wish to infer a sparse, low-

rank matrix from noisy data. Johnstone and Lu proposed the popular “spiked

covariance” model, where the data is $n$ samples with population covariance $I

+ vv^t$. Assuming that the spike $v$ is sparse, they proposed the diagonal

thresholding scheme to estimate its support. Despite considerable work, there was

no computationally efficient procedure that provably improved over this scheme.

We analyze a simple “covariance thresholding” algorithm and show that it

outperforms the diagonal thresholding scheme. In fact, assuming hardness of the

hidden clique problem, it is impossible to significantly improve this guarantee.

3 - Vanishing Duality Gap In Nonconvex Optimization

Mengdi Wang, Princeton University,

Consider the optimization problem that involves multiple participants driven by

self interests and common goods. We focus on the nonconvex problem which is

often NP-hard. We analyze the nonconvex duality and show that it often vanishes

to zero as the number of participants goes to infinity. Moreover, we show that

there exists an approximate optimum by solving the dual problem and provide a

coordinative dual algorithm to achieve the optimum in polynomial time. We

demonstrate the application of the proposed method in estimating large spatial

graphical model with sparsity constraints, and show that the dual solution is

statistically optimal for large graphs.

4 - Nestt: A Nonconvex Primal Dual Splitting Method For Distributed

And Stochastic Optimization

Davood Hajinezhad, Iowa State University,,

Mingyi Hong, Zhaoran Wang, Tuo Zhao

We study a stochastic and distributed algorithm for a nonconvex problem, whose

objective consists a sum of $N$ nonconvex $L_i$-smooth functions $g_i$, plus a

nonsmooth regularizer. The proposed algorithm splits the nonconvex problem

into $N$ subproblems, and utilizes an augmented Lagrangian based primal-dual

scheme to solve it in a distributed and stochastic manner. Further, we reveal a

fundamental connection between the proposed {\it primal-dual splitting} methods

and a few {\it primal only} methods such as IAG/SAG/SAGA.



Optimization and Learning in Supply Chain Systems

Sponsored: Optimization, Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Huanan Zhang, University of Michigan, 1205 Beal Avenue,

Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States,

Co-Chair: Cong Shi, University of Michigan, 1205 Beal Avenue, Ann

Arbor, MI, 48109, United States,

1 - Closing The Gaps: A Learning-while-doing Algorithm For

Lost-sales Inventory System With Lead Times

Huanan Zhang, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48108-

1094, United States,

, Xiuli Chao, Cong Shi

We develop an improved nonparametric learning algorithm for periodic-review

lost sales inventory systems with positive lead time, where the firm does not

know the demand distribution a priori but makes the replenishment decision in

each period based only on the past sales (censored demand) data. It is known that

the optimal policy is hard to compute even with full information, hence in this

paper we focus on finding the best base-stock policy. We establish a square-root

convergence rate of the proposed learning algorithm, which is the best possible

rate for this class of problems.

2 - Nonparametric Data-driven Algorithms For Capacitated

Inventory Systems

Weidong Chen, University of Michigan,


Cong Shi, Izak Duenyas

We propose data-driven algorithms for the management of stochastic inventory

systems with fixed ordering capacity and random ordering capacity. We consider a

single-product, periodic-review inventory system with backlogging. We assume

that the manager has no prior information on the demand distribution nor the

capacity distribution and only has access to past demand and supply data . In our

model, we propose cyclic gradient-descent type of algorithms whose running

average holding and backlogging cost asymptotically converges to the cost of the

optimal. We prove the rate of convergence guarantee of our algorithm is

O(1/sqrt(T )) for both cases.

3 - Primal-dual Algorithm For Online Transportation Problem

Yuchen Jiang, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,

United States,,

Cong Shi, Siqian Shen

In this paper, we study a transportation problem in which customers come one by

one in an online manner. The retailer chooses a particular warehouse from which

a shipment is made to meet the current customer’s demand without knowing the

information of subsequent customers. We design a Primal-dual Algorithm for the

retailer to maximize the total revenue under the uncertainty of those customers

who have not yet arrived. We also compare our online policy with the offline

optimal policy and obtain a competitive ratio which guarantees the performance

of our Primal-Dual Algorithm.

4 - Preservation Of Additive Convexity And Its Applications In

Stochastic Optimization Problems

Xiting Gong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,,

Tong Wang

In this paper, we establish a new preservation result of additive convexity for a

class of multi-dimensional optimization problems. We demonstrate the

applications of this result and and its variant to several important stochastic

optimization problems, including stochastic inventory control problems with

remanufacturing, dynamic inventory rationing with multiple demand classes, and

dynamic capacity management with general upgrading.



Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms I

Sponsored: Optimization, Nonlinear Programming

Sponsored Session

Chair: Daniel Robinson, Johns Hopkins University,

3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, 21218, United States,

Co-Chair: Frank Edward Curtis, Lehigh University, 200 West Packer

Avenue, Bethlehem, PA, 18015, United States,

Co-Chair: Andreas Waechter, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan

Road, Evanston, IL, 60208, United States,

1 - An Active-set Algorithm For Chance-constrained

Nonlinear Optimization

Andreas Waechter, Northwestern University,

, Frank Edward Curtis,

Victor M Zavala

A new algorithmic framework for the solution of nonlinear chance-constrained

optimization problems is proposed. Similar to Fletcher’s Sl1QP algorithm, the

method computes trial points from the minimization of a piece-wise quadratic

model subject to a trust region. Theoretical convergence results and numerical

experiments will be presented.

2 - Logical Benders Decomposition For Binary-constrained Quadratic

Programs With Complementarity Constraints

Francisco Jara-Moroni, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL,

United States,,

Andreas Waechter, Jong-Shi Pang, John E Mitchell

We study a Benders decomposition approach to solving Binary Constrained

Quadratic Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints. It formulates a

satisfiability master problem with feasibility cuts are added by solving primal and

dual subproblems for chosen complementarity pieces and binary variables. Our

method strengthens the feasibility cuts by solving L0-norm or L1-norm problems,

and guides the satisfiability problem solution by means of a convex piecewise

linear approximation of the objective function.

3 - Trust Region Methods With Optimal Complexity For

Nonconvex Functions

Mohammadreza Samadi, Lehigh University, Bethelehem, PA,

United States,

, Frank E. Curtis,

Daniel Robinson

We present a trust region method for unconstrained nonconvex optimization

that, in the worst-case, is able to drive the norm of the gradient of the objective

below a prescribed threshold eps > 0 after at most O(eps^(-3/2)) iterations. This

complexity bound has been shown to be optimal with respect to a wide class of

methods. Our algorithm (called TRACE) is modeled after a traditional trust region

algorithm, but employs modified step acceptance criteria and a novel trust region

updating mechanism that allows it to achieve this desirable property. As an

extension, we discuss the implications of our new algorithm on equality

constrained problems. Numerical results are presented.
