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INFORMS Nashville – 2016




General Session II

Contributed Session

Chair: Gang Wang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 285 Old

Westport Rd, Room 214, North Dartmouth, MA, 2747, United States,

1 - Pricing Decision Model For New, Upgraded And Remanufactured

Short-life Cycle Products

Che-Wei Yeh, PhD Student, National Taiwan University, Floor 9,

No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan,

Despite remanufacturing short life cycle products is rewarding economically as

well as environmentally, very little is known about modeling upgraded decisions

for products with short life cycle. In this paper, we develop a closed loop supply

chain model that optimizes the price for new, upgraded and remanufactured

products where demands are time-dependent and price sensitive. Using numerical

analysis, the findings give reasonable results and have important implications for

the impact of demand’s speed of change to the optimal prices.

2 - Effects Of The Adopting Distillers Grain In The Feed Ration For

Swine Industry In Argentina

Maria Celeste De Matteis, Graduate Assistant, University of

Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, United States,,

Tun-Hsiang Edward Yu

Driven by the Biofuels Law enacted in 2006, the production of corn-based

ethanol in Argentina has surged over the past decade. Distillers grain, a co-

product of corn ethanol, is expected to become an important feedstuff in

Argentine livestock feed ration because of its high content of protein and other

nutrition. Our study aims to evaluate the potential impact of adopting this

emerging feedstuff in the feed ration for Argentine hog industry. A multi-

objective model will be developed incorporating both feedstuff cost and animal

performance in the decision criteria.

3 - Integrated Operations Scheduling Under Different Penalty Terms

Gang Wang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 285 Old

Westport Rd, Room 214, North Dartmouth, MA, 02747,

United States,

This paper studies an integrated operations scheduling problem under service

level contracts over a capacitated supply chain and considers three different

scheduling sub-problems in terms of the types of service level: 1) The first sub-

problem takes into account no specified service level (e.g., one-time transaction in

spot contracts); 2) the second is regarding single service level contracts, where

penalty function is convex; and 3) the third deals with multiple service level




Learning and Model Uncertainty in

Stochastic Systems

Sponsored: Applied Probability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Yuan Zhong, Columbia University, New York, NY, 10025,

United States,

1 - Staffing Service Systems With Distributional Uncertainty

John Hasenbein, University of Texas-Austin,

, Ying Chen

We examine the problem of staffing service systems in which either the exact

arrival rate or even the arrival rate distribution is unknown. The decision maker’s

goal is to minimize staffing costs while satisfying quality-of-service constraints on

the probability that a customer is delayed. We use bounds related to the Halfin-

Whitt approximation and prove asymptotic optimality of the proposed methods.

2 - Ambiguous Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

Soroush Saghafian, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,

United States,

We present a generalization of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

(POMDPs) termed Ambiguous POMDP (APOMDP), which allows the decision

maker to take into account inevitable model ambiguities. We establish various

structural results, and discuss new opportunities for superior decision-making in

applications such as machine replacement, medical decision-making, inventory

control, revenue management, optimal search, bandit problems, and dynamic

principal-agent settings.

3 - How Being Distributionally Robust Can Improve Learning In

High Dimensions?

Karthyek R Murthy, Columbia University, New York, NY,

United States,

, Jose Blanchet, Yang Kang

In learning problems where the number of training samples is smaller than the

ambient dimension, usual empirical risk minimisation may not be enough to find

the best fit. We introduce RWPI, a novel learning methodology that is aimed at

enhancing out-of-sample performance in such settings. By casting the learning

problem as an optimization problem in the presence of model uncertainty, we

recover a wide range of regularisation procedures (such as generalized Lasso,

SVM) as particular cases. Further, an asymptotic analysis of a suitably defined

profile function allows to optimally select the regularisation parameter. We shall

discuss this optimality in the context of generalized Lasso.

4 - Learning And Hierarchies In Service Systems

Michail Markakis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain,

We consider a service systems with servers that have different capabilities and

tasks whose types are ex-ante unknown. Information about a task’s type can only

be obtained while serving it. We show that the system’s stability region depends

on the entire distributions of service times, and that heavier tails cause greater

performance loss. We also consider endogenizing the servers’ capabilities, and find

that optimal designs have a “hierarchical” structure: all tasks are initially routed to

the least skilled servers and progressively move to more skilled ones, if necessary.

Comparative statics show that uncertainty in task types leads to higher training

costs and less specialized server pools.



Applied Probability and Machine Learning III

Sponsored: Applied Probability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Daniel Russo, Northwestern University, 2001 Sheridan Road,

Evanston, IL, 60208-2009, United States,

1 - Collaborative Filtering With Low Regret

Guy Bresler, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States,


Devavrat Shah, Luis Voloch

Empirical evidence suggests that item-item collaborative filtering (CF) works well

in practice. Motivated to understand this, we provide a framework to design and

analyze recommendation algorithms. The setup amounts to online binary matrix

completion, where at each time a user requests a recommendation and the

algorithm chooses an entry to reveal in the user’s row. The goal is to maximize

the number of +1 entries revealed at any time. We analyze an item-item CF

algorithm that can achieve fundamentally better performance as compared to

user-user CF. Good “cold-start” performance is achieved by quickly making good

recommendations to new users about whom there is little information.

2 - Predicting The Unseen Mutations Provides A Roadmap For

Precision Medicine.

James Zou, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 02139,

United States,

A fundamental question in genomics is to estimate the frequency distribution of

all the genetic variants in a population. This is a challenging task because we have

sequenced the genomes of relatively few individuals, and most existing mutations

are not observed in our samples. We give a non-parametric algorithm to estimate

the frequency distribution of all the variants, including the ones that not seen in

the sequenced individuals. We prove that also algorithm has strong finite-sample

convergence guarantees, and applied it to one of the largest human sequencing

data. Our estimates provide a roadmap for the discovery rate of large sequencing

efforts, including the Precision Medicine Initiative.

3 - Causal Inference With Random Forests

Stefan Wager, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States,

Many scientific and engineering challenges, ranging from personalized medicine

to customized marketing recommendations, require an understanding of

treatment heterogeneity. We develop a non-parametric causal forest for

estimating heterogeneous treatment effects that extends Breiman’s widely used

random forest algorithm. Given a potential outcomes framework with

unconfoundedness, we show that causal forests are pointwise consistent for the

true treatment effect, and have an asymptotically Gaussian and centered sampling

distribution. We also propose a practical estimator for the asymptotic variance of

causal forests.
