Biophysical Society 59
Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
TA Instruments
Technology Advances in Ultrasensitive Isothermal Titration
TA Instruments introduces the Affinity ITC, with all new technology for
advanced isothermal titration calorimetry. Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
is the most effective analytical tool for simply and accurately measuring
A/B interactions, especially protein-protein binding. Isothermal Titration
Calorimetry provides complete thermodynamics and kinetics without label-
ling, fixing, or otherwise altering the sample of interest. All new technology
from TA Instruments improves the sample throughput, usability, and data
quality of all isothermal titration calorimetry experiments.
All-new advanced stirring technology and an innovative isolated injection
system improves baseline stability, and mixing homogeneity while applying
minimal perturbation to the material of interest. For large-scale screening
and high throughput testing, an all-new unattended sample handling sys-
tem automates up to 96 full titrations and continuous unattended opera-
tion for multiple days. Based around a 96-well plate format and multiple
wash/rinse containers, the Affinity ITC Auto will greatly increase laboratory
productivity without sacrificing sensitivity or reproducibility. The Affinity
ITC is available in both the standard (1.0 mL) and low volume (190 µL) cell
sizes, extending the range of applications for which automation is available.
This presentation will include data examples and tech tips on experimental
design using the Affinity ITC Auto.
Dile Holton, Microcalorimetry Product Manager, TA Instruments
Bruker Nano Surfaces
Super-Resolution Microscopy and Its Applications in Fast and
Complex Biological Systems
Super-resolution microscopy has revolutionized the field of biological
imaging by providing new insights into biological processes in fields as
diverse as developmental biology, neuroscience, cardiovascular research,
genetics, infectious disease, and DNA/chromatin structure. The Vutara 350
super-resolution microscope offers a ten-fold improvement in resolution
in comparison to traditional light microscopy techniques and is capable of
achieving resolutions of 20 nm laterally and 50 nm axially. The Vutara 350
is based on a patented 3D biplane single molecule localization platform.
We will discuss the basic principles of operation and features of the Vutara
350 super-resolution microscope. The capability to do 3D multicolor
imaging, high speed live cell imaging, 3D particle tracking, and z-stacking
in various biological systems such as cells, tissue, drosophila, C. elegans,
bacteria and virus makes the Vutara 350 very versatile.
Jeff Stuckey, Product Marketing Manager, Bruker Nano Surfaces
OriginLab Corporation
Data Analysis and Graphing Using Origin 2015
Origin is an easy-to-use software application with data analysis and publica-
tion-quality graphing for science and engineering. This workshop will cover
key features including importing data frommultiple sources including Excel
and third-party file formats, LabVIEW connectivity, creating and custom-
izing multi-panel graphs, graphical exploration and analysis, curve fitting,
peak analysis, signal processing, and statistics. Time saving features such as
templates for graphing and analysis, batch plotting and batch analysis will
be presented. Application examples using Origin's programming environ-
ment will also be presented.
The workshop will also cover key new features and improvements in the
latest version:
Ease-of-use features including graph preview and comment tool tip in
Project Explorer, search for string in project, search for functions in dialogs,
redesigned axis dialog, enhanced legend, and custom categorical order. New
graph types including Heat Map, Kernel Density Plot, Column Scatter
Plot. Improvements to profile plot, box plot, contour plot, bubble scale,
and color scale. New analysis tools for Distribution Fit, ANOVA of unbal-
anced data, t-Test on rows. Tool to append worksheets, remove or combine
duplicate values, and improved pivot table. Integration of Python as script-
ing language in Origin.
Easwar R. Iyer, VP of Technology, OriginLab Corporation
Room B: Monday, February 9
FEI Company
Advances in Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) is a powerful approach
that enables combining dynamic information and labelling specificity
from fluorescence microscopy with ultra-structural information at nano-
meter resolution from electron microscopy on the same sample. In recent
years technical improvements in fluorescence microscopy have enhanced
z-resolution, enabled imaging with high sensitivity using TIRF and, with
super-resolution microscopy, improved the resolution of light microscopy
to up to 20 nm. Despite all these advances, fluorescence microscopy can
only show what was labelled and an EM is needed to provide the full
morphological context on the ultra-structure of the cell. However, CLEM
experiments still remain challenging and low through-put.
Over the last years, FEI has introduced different solutions to overcome some
of the challenges in CLEM experiments and to make CLEM experiments
easier and more efficient. But correlative experiments are rapidly evolving –
here, we will present updates on latest developments that have pushed the
boundaries of correlative experiments.
Meike Pedersen , Product Application Specialist, FEI Company