Abot!t one quar t.
One pint of Port wine.
Twelve lumps of white loaf sugar.
Eight cloves.
Grated nutmeg sufficient to fill a small teaspoon.
Put the above ingredients into a thoroug hly clean
sauce pan, warm and stir them well, but do n ot suffer
the mixture to boil. Pour it into a pitcher or bowl,
and upon the warm wine decant a bottle of soda water.
This makes a delicious efforvescing drink.
Use sherry wine-glass.
This is similar to the more familiar pousse cafe,
and has to be as carefully made.
One-quarter sherry-glass of sherry
Yolk of fresh egg
One-quarter glass green vanill a.
One-quarter glass Cognac.
The yolk of the egg must be cold.