Gin Sour.
Use large bar glass.
One large teaspoonful sugar, dissolved
a little
seltzer or Apollinaris water.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One wine-glass Holland or Old Tom gin.
Fill t4e g lass three-quarters full of shaved ice,
hake up and strain into a sour glass. Dress the top
with orange, or pineapple and berries.
Santa Cruz Sour.
Use large bar glass.
One large teaspoonful sugar, dissolved in a little
seltzer or Apollinaris water.
Three dashes lemon juice.
One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
Fill the glass three-quarters full of shaved ice,
shake up, and strain into a sour glass ; ornament with
orange and berries in season.
Whiskey Sour.
Use large bar glass.
One and one-half tablespoonfuls sugar, dissolved
in a little seltzer or Apollinaris water.
The juice of h alf a small lemon.
One wine-glass of Bourbon or rye whiskey.
Fill the 'glass full of shaved ice, shake up and
strain into a claret glass. Ornament with berries.