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CSR 2016 – Boskalis


Chairman’s statement

With regard to CSR, we have once again made important progress in numerous

areas. Last year we introduced four material topics and related sub-topics resulting

from a materiality assessment. These topics form the backbone for our CSR strategy

and reporting. This was an important step for us to report over 2016 according the

GRI G4 guidelines. One of the material themes both Boskalis and its stakeholders

view as important is our impact on local communities.

Impact on local communities

Many of our projects intervene in an existing environment. Our presence when

constructing infrastructure or reclaiming land is relatively brief but many of our

projects have a lasting impact. As a company we take a responsible approach

towards the potential consequences of our activities. We seek to avoid adverse

impact arising from our activities and services, and otherwise to mitigate or remedy

this impact. We exercise our leverage if we are in a position to influence the entity

responsible for the impact to bring about change in the situation. Our social impact

program launched in 2016 focuses on employee awareness and training and

offers practical tools. As a company with a strong technical background with

leading environmental engineering capabilities, this additional focus on our

social engineering skills is a natural next step.

Building with Nature

Care for the environment is an aspect that is deeply embedded in our organization,

and something that we take into account right from the initial design of a project.

2016 marked the transition

from a period of growth and

prosperity to one of stagnation

and rationalization. Early 2016

we saw dark clouds gather on

the horizon, but looking back at

the year we are amazed at the

pace at which the storm arrived

and how severe it is. Right now

it is fair to say that we are in

the midst of it.
