Chairman's statement |
4 |
Creating long-term value |
6 |
Value chain |
8 |
Strategy |
12 |
Managing our material themes |
14 |
Impact on local communities |
16 |
Environmental and social impact assessments |
18 |
Local workers and suppliers |
19 |
Community investment programs |
20 |
Environmental impact |
26 |
Biodiversity and ecosystems |
28 |
Activities related to our fleet |
31 |
Climate change |
32 |
Contributing to the circular economy |
34 |
Emissions |
36 |
Care for human capital |
42 |
Safety |
44 |
Talent management |
46 |
Labor practices |
47 |
Sustainable employability |
49 |
Diversity |
50 |
Responsible business conduct |
56 |
General business principles |
56 |
Supply chain management |
58 |
Corporate governance |
61 |
Appendix |
62 |
About this report |
64 |
GRI Table G4 core |
66 |
Key economic output |
69 |
Stakeholder dialogue overview |
70 |
HR data |
72 |
SHE-Q data |
74 |
Independent verification statement |
75 |
Glossary |
76 |