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CSR 2016 – Boskalis


Purpose and scope of the report

We have been reporting on our Corporate Social Responsibility

(CSR) strategy, performance and results in a separate annual

report since 2009.

The scope of our CSR reporting is based on the information

requirements of our key stakeholders. Our key stakeholders

either have an influence on our license to operate or can be

significantly impacted by our activities. In order to ensure we

meet their information requirements we carried out a materiality

analyses in 2015. Boskalis’ group management selected relevant

key and sub-topics derived from Boskalis’ strategy, its activities as

well as from international guidelines, regulations and legislation.

Of the key stakeholder groups a total of 66 stakeholders was

selected. Desk research and interviews were used to determine

how important the individual sub-topics were to the stakeholders.

This process was also used with the Boskalis group management

to determine how important the topics were to Boskalis. Based on

the results of this process the materiality matrix was determined.

The findings of this analysis provided valuable input for our

CSR strategy and reporting.

The materiality matrix was updated in 2016 based on our

engagement with our stakeholders. This dialogue confirmed that

our CSR strategy and structure of our current CSR reporting is

regarded as relevant and significant for our stakeholders.

In 2016 we have taken steps to make the correlation between

the various sections of the report clearer. These include setting

up a value creation model and making a clear link between our

material topics and our strategy, opportunities and risks as well

as the results achieved in 2016.

We strive to improve the quality of the information and where

meaningful add quantitative key performance indicators.

The CSR Report includes only CSR data from entities that are fully

or majority owned and from joint ventures in which Boskalis has a

controlling interest. However Boskalis relies on a significant number

of contractors to perform daily activities. Boskalis acknowledges its

responsibility for the safety of its contractors and therefore includes

contractors in its safety performance reporting.

Acquisitions and divestments are reported in accordance with

the financial reporting rules for consolidation. This means that

acquisitions are reported as from the moment control (ownership)

is acquired and divestments are reported up to the moment that

control is relinquished. Please refer to our Annual Report for an

overview of acquisitions and divestments in 2016.



Reporting process

The CSR Report is compiled by a multidisciplinary CSR team under

the responsibility of the Board of Management. Its contents was

discussed in its entirety with the Supervisory Board.

The consolidation of CSR data takes place at successive levels,

starting with the projects and local office organizations, moving

up through the relevant business units and staff departments and

ending with the consolidated group reports. This is based on

quarterly reporting, which is monitored by our Group Accounting

& Reporting department in close consultation with our Corporate

Communications department that is responsible for the production

of the CSR Report. In addition, like in previous years, a number of

internal audits were conducted on material CSR topics and

indicators in 2016.

Reporting principles

The CSR data is prepared in accordance with our reporting

principles, which are based on the international Global Reporting

Initiative (GRI) standards. In 2016 we started reporting in

accordance with the GRI G4 guidelines. The GRI G4 reference

table is included on

pages 66-68

of the report. KPIs are selected

on the basis of interactive stakeholder dialogue and the issues

relevant to Boskalis’ operations.

External verification

The information contained in this report faithfully represents the

outcome of systematic data gathering and analysis. As in previous

years, Boskalis appointed an external assurance provider to verify

its key CSR metrics. Please refer to

page 75

for the assurance

report and conclusion of our external assurance provider.

Methods of estimation, measurement and


We use generally accepted protocols to compile, measure and

present information, including the GRI technical protocols for

indicators comprised in the guidelines. We aim to ensure reliability

of our reported data by performing internal audits and externally

verifying our data. However, due to the nature of sustainability

data there are some limitations associated with measuring and

calculating data.

No changes were made to definitions and measurement methods

of the reported data compared to the 2015 reporting period.