CSR 2016 – boskalis
HR data
The employees of joint ventures and the employees of Anglo Eastern,
crew of the Dockwise vessels, are included in the overall reporting
in view of this group’s substantial size. However, these employees
are not employed by a Boskalis majority owned entity and are not
included in the detailed reporting. For more information please refer
pages 72-73.
The CO
data covers all fuel consumed by vessels of the Dredging
& Inland Infra and Offshore Energy divisions. The fuel consumption
of the vessels of Stemat will be reported as per 1-1-2017.
ISO and ISM standards are used for the conversion of fuel to CO
For the conversion of volume to weight, the ISO 8217:2012
standard is followed. The most stringent density factor of 0.890
kg/l is applied to the MGO/MDO conversion. The following ISO
and ISM standards are used for the conversion of fuel to CO
Volume to weight conversion takes place according to ISO
specification 8217E, using the following specific gravity per liter:
– MGO/MDO 0.890kg
– HFO 0.991kg.
Conversion of MT of fuel to CO
takes place according to IMO
Resolution MEPC.212(63), using the following conversion factor
per MT of fuel:
– MGO/MDO 3.206 MT CO
– HFO 3.114 MT CO
Safety data
Lost Time Injury (LTI) expresses the number of workplace accidents
serious enough to result in absence from work. Lost Time Injury
Frequency (LTIF) expresses the number of workplace accidents
resulting in absence from work per 200,000 hours worked. The
LTIF overview on
page 74shows a breakdown for the various
divisions. In addition to LTIF, we also provide the Total Recordable
Injury Rate (TRIR). TRIR is composed of LTIs, Medical Treatment
Cases and Restricted Work Cases, per 200,000 hours worked.
Community investment data
Material permanent operations outside the Netherlands are limited.
Most of our activities are project-based and therefore temporary in
nature. We provide qualitative reporting on the community activities for
these operations. In view of our permanent presence in the
Netherlands we provide quantitative reporting on the community
initiatives undertaken by our domestic operations. Our operations in
the Netherlands account for 56% of our workforce. Community
investment data includes the investments in community programs
made by Corporate Head Office and by Boskalis Nederland.
Supply chain data
The supply chain data refers to the procurement spend by the suppliers
of the Central Procurement department. 253 of these suppliers are
regarded as strategic suppliers who account for some 90% of the
Corporate Procurement department’s purchasing volume.
In 2016 our sustainability performance was monitored and
Boskalis was once again certified for the highest level of the
Performance Ladder (level 5) in the Netherlands.
We finished 46th out of 485 companies surveyed for the
Transparency Benchmark of the Dutch Ministry of Economic
Once again we took part in the Carbon Disclosure Project, a
global reporting platform that makes information on emissions
available to subscribed investors.
Publication date
The CSR Report 2016 was published at the same time as the
Annual Report 2016 on 8 March 2017 on the corporate website.
Any suggestions you may have for improving our CSR policy or
the way we report on it are greatly appreciated. We are happy to
engage with you on this subject, in which case you are kindly
requested to contact:
Martijn L.D. Schuttevâer
Director Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
+31 78 6969822