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CSR 2016 – boskalis


An increasingly important part of our projects incorporate

innovative solutions for protecting biodiversity and preserving

natural environments. One of the results of our focus on the

environment is our successful Building with Nature program, which

adopts the natural system as a basic design principle. Partly on the

strength of the knowledge gained from this, we were

commissioned by the Dutch Society for the Preservation of Nature

(Stichting Natuurmonumenten) to execute one of the largest nature

restoration projects in Western Europe

: the Marker Wadden. T


Marker Wadden is a group of artificial islands that will ensure the

ecological restoration and transformation of the Markermeer lake

into a dynamic area with a rich animal and plant life.

Impact of climate change

Climate change and the consequences thereof, such as rising sea

levels, are increasingly important topics for our sector and for

society. With much of the country below sea level, the Netherlands

has had to battle to fend off the ravages of the sea for centuries.

The Dutch expertise and skills in the field of delta technology and

hydraulic engineering are highly rated throughout the world.

Boskalis’ core business enables it to provide innovative adaptive

and mitigating solutions to combat the impact of climate change.

In the past year we started work on reinforcing the Wadden Sea

dike on the island of Texel as well as the dike between Eemshaven

and Delfzijl in order to protect the Dutch coast against flooding.

The reinforcement of the 33-kilometer long Markermeer dike and

the 25-kilometer Houtrib dike and our projects in the context of the

Room for the River program w

ill also contribute to flood prevention

in the Netherlands.

Boskalis had a very busy year in offshore wind with the installation

of foundations for the Wikinger an

d Veja Mate


We furthermore strengthened our market position through the

acquisition of the offshore wind activities of VolkerWessels.

As a group, we continue to seek opportunities and innovative

ways to reduce our emissions. Together with our joint venture

partner Keppel we announced the investment in two innovative

LNG dual-fuel harbor tugs in Singapore. Last year we also took

our biofuel program one step further. This pilot project is aimed

at developing a drop-in biofuel that meets the most stringent

sustainability standards and can result in a sharp reduction in

emissions. Last summer our cutter suction dredger Edax achieved

good results with this type of fuel on the Marker Wadden project.

Adapting to the new reality

All the hard work and many new projects acquired during the

year could, however, not prevent more and more gaps from

appearing in our fleet schedules. Considering the prospects

going forward, we came to the inevitable conclusion that we have

to align the size of the fleet with the market. After a comprehensive

study we decided to take 24 vessels out of service: ten at Dredging

and fourteen at Offshore Energy. This was a difficult decision,

particularly for the 650 colleagues affected. In close consultation

with the Works Council we carefully completed the advisory

process and agreed on a fair social plan.

Safety and Quality

Since the launch of our No Injuries No Accidents (NINA) safety

program in 2010, our Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) has fallen

significantly from 0.67 in 2010 to 0.08 in 2016. In our sixth NINA

year we once again made important progress expanding the

rollout of this global safety program. In addition, we introduced

the Mooring and Safe Mind workboxes containing practical

training methods and tools.

Great strides were also made with the development of our

new quality system, the Boskalis Way of Working. Aimed at

harmonizing various business processes and support systems,

the Boskalis Way of Working quality system will be introduced

in the course of 2017.

Preparing for the future

We expect the current market environment to persist in the coming

years. In order to respond to this outlook and to prepare ourselves

for the period that follows we have been working hard on our

2017-2019 Corporate Business Plan, the main points of which

can be found in

our annual report.

With the right focus and optimization of our existing business

portfolio we can successfully steer the company through this

difficult period. Results will be lower than in extremely profitable

previous years but our financial position is very strong and healthy

with nearly EUR 1 billion in cash at the end of 2016. We will

continue to generate a strong cash flow in the coming years

which, in turn, will provide opportunities. The CSR business case

will remain a key part of our operations in this respect.

On behalf of the Board of Management I want to thank all our

colleagues for their commitment and great efforts in 2016, as

well as our clients, partners and shareholders for the trust and

confidence they place in us.

Peter Berdowski