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Vanilla Punch.

Use large bar glass.

One scant tablespoonful sugar.

Two dashes lemon juice.

Two dashes Curacoa.

Fill glass with shaved ice.

One-half pony glass brandy.

One and one-half wine-glass vanilla.

Mix well with spoon; onrament with fruit, and

serve with a straw.

Escapernong Punch.

Large mixing glass half full of cracked ice.

Three bar spoons powdered sugar.

Rhine wine glass Escapernong wine.

One-half jigger Creme de Vanilla.

One egg.

Dash of brandy.

Fill glass with cream or rich milk; shake well;

strain in milk punch glass; sprinkle with nutmeg and

cinnamon; serve with straws.

Golden Punch.

Use a punch glass.

Flalf a barspoon of sugar.

Juice of a whole lime.

Dissolve with syphon.

One dash Curacoa.

Dubb orange.

One drink of straight whiskey.

Fill glass with cracked ice, stir well and orna

ment with fruit.