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Royal Punch.

For a small party.

One pint hot green tea.

One-half pint brandy.

One-half pint Jamaica rum.

One wine-glass Curacoa.

One wine-glass Arrack.

Juice of two limes.

A slice of lemon.

White sugar to taste.

One gill of warm calf's foot jelly.

To be drank as hot as possible.

Roman Punch.

Use large bar glass.

Half fill glass with fine ice.

One tablespoonful sugar.

Two or three dashes lemon juice.

Juice of half an orange.

One-quarter pony glass Curacoa.

Half wine-glass brandy.

Half pony glass Jamaica rum.

Stir well with spoon. Dash with port

Dress with fruit. Serve with straws.

Champagne Punch.

Serve in champagne goblets.

One quart bottle of wine.

Three tablespoonfuls sugar.

One orange sliced.

The juice of one lemon.

Two slices of pineapple cut in small pieces.

Dress with fruit and serve in champagne goblets.