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Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.

Use medium bar glass.

One wine-glass best Irish whiskey.

.Two wine-glasses boiling water.

Two lumps loaf sugar.

Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of

the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance

of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind

or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse

it in hot water.

Maraschino Punch.

Use large bar glass.

One teaspoonful of powdered sugar, dissolved in

a little water.

One wine-glass of brandy.

Two dashes of Arrack.

One-half pony glass of Maraschino.

The juice of half a small lemon.

Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well,

ornament with fruit and berries in season, and serve

with a straw.

Milk Punch.

Use large bar glass.

Thrce-ciuarters tablespoonful powdered sugar.

One-third glass fine ice.

One wine-glass brandy.

One-half wine-glass St. Croix rum.

Fill with pure milk, shake well, strain in fancy

bar glass, and serve after grating nutmeg on top.

Note.—For a cheaper milk punch use whiskey

instead of brandy.