Brandy Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Dissolve one teaspoonful of sugar in a little water.
One teaspoonful raspberry syrup.
One wine-glass brandj'.
One-half wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Juice of one-half lemon.
Two slices orange.
One piece pineapple.
Fill tumbler with shaved ice; shake thoroughly,
and after dressing the top with berries in season,
serve with straws.
Egg Milk Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One teaspoonful of fine white sugar.
One wine-glass of brandy.
One-quarter wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
One egg.
Small lump of ice.
Fill the glass with pure fresh milk, shake the
. ingredients ell together, and strain into a large
Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use incdiuin bar glass—zvarm.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
One wine-glass Scotch whiskey.
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of
the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse
glass in warm water before using.