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St. Charles' Punch.

Use large bar glass.

One small tablespoonfiil of powdered white

sugar, dissolved in a little water.

One wine-glass port wine.

One pony glass brandj'.

One-half glass Curaeoa.

Two or three dashes lemon juice.

Fill the tumbler with shaved ice; stir with spoon;

ornament with fruits in season, and serve with a


Pineapple Punch.

For a party of tzveiily-five.

Ten bottles of champagne.

Three pints of Jamaica rum.

Three pints of brandy.

Three gills of Curaeoa.

Juice of eight lemons.

Six pineapples sliced.

Sweeten to taste with pulverized white sugar.

Port Wine Punch.

Use large bar glass.

Fill with ice.

One egg.

One tcaspoonful of sugar.

Three dashes wintergreen.

One glass port wine.

Fill with milk.

Shake well and serve as you would a milk
