Claret Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One teaspoonful powdered siigxir. »
One slice lemon.
Two slices orange.
Fill glass with fine ice. Pour in claret. Shake
well. Dress with fruit in season, and serve with a
Sauterne Punch.
One teaspoonful powdtred sugar.
One slice lemon.
One slice orange.
One piece pineapple.
Fill glass with shaved ice. Pour in Sauterne al
most to brim; shake well, dress with berries and serve.
Gin Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful of powdered white sugar,
dissolved in a little seltzer water.
One tablespoonful raspberry syrup.
One and one-half wine-glass of Flolland gin.
Juice of half a small lemon.
One sliee of orange (cut in quarters).
One piece of pineapple.
One or two dashes of ^laraschino.
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well,
and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in