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It seems like a simple matter to drive a spigot

into a cask of beer and draw at once for customers,

but as a matter of fact, beer requires the same at

tention as other beverages, and even more than some

of tiiem. Handled properly it is cool and refreshing.

When it is too eool or too warm, it loses its flavor,

and beer has a distinct flavor which can be brought

out. For summer consumption beer should be served

at a temperature of about 40 or 45 degrees, and

should be kept in the ice house at least three or four

days before tapping. So, if you are going to sell

much beer, get a good ice box to start with, or if

you are already established and are selling much

beer, put in a good ice house and handle your trade

as it ought to be handled.

Beer drawn properly shonld be from the keg direct,

and not through pipes. There are times, however,

when it is not convenient to draw direct, and pipes

are absolutely necessaty. In that case see that they