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AUGUST, 1915]

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


" Any member found guilty of a breach of

" this Rule by the General Committee, or a

" majority thereof, or on appeal, a majority

"of the members present at a General

" Meeting, shall be subject to such fine or

" penalty as the General Committee shall

" impose not exceeding £100,

the above

" appeal being governed by Rule 15 of the

" Association."

Mr. Shannon explained that the Rule was

proposed with a view to exercising reasonable

control over those about to enter the pro

fession, and in order that the Association may

be in a position to keep up the standard of

the profession in the interest of the public

as well as of the profession ;

that the control

would be exercised in a reasonable spirit,

which was assured, by the constitution of the

General Committee ;

also by the right of

appeal to a General Meeting of the Associa


Several members




adoption of the Rule was put to the meeting,

and was






Mr. R. B. Heuston proposed, and Mr. J.

F. D'Arcy seconded, the following alteration

in Rule 9, namely :—" That the word ' ten '

be substituted for the word ' eight' in Rule

9 of the Association." The alteration being

put to the meeting, was passed unanimously.

It was proposed by Mr. N. F. Matter, and

seconded by Mr.

J. H. Dudley,


unanimously resolved,

that owing to the

European War the Annual Dinner of the

Association be not held this year ;

that the

Hon. Treas. be directed to forward a sub

scription of £5 from the funds of the Associa

tion to the fund for the wounded of the

18th Royal Irish (the County) Regiment ;

that a further subscription of


be forwarded

out of the funds to the Association of the Red







ALL communications connected with THE

GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should


be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin.

THE GAZETTE will accept advertisements for

sale and purchase of property, loans, securities

offered, and money for investments on mort

gages, partnerships, clerkships, and generally

such advertisements as would be of service to

the members of the Society and the Profession.

Communications as to advertisements should

be addressed

to Messrs. Hely's Limited,

28 Dame Street, Dublin.