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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


4. John I. M. Carrigg,


Bartholomew J. Goff, B. A., [equal.



6. James Boston.

7. Terence Doyle.

8. John B. Hamill, B.A., T.C.D.

9. David W. McGonigal.

The Council have awarded Special Certi

ficates to Arthur P. Orr and Stirling J . Seeds.

The remaining candidates have been post


New Solicitors.

THE following were admitted during January,

1916 :—


Doyle, Terence



Stephen de Vere

Foley, John

McCoiirt, William James

McDonnell, Rd. Joseph

Ward, Peter Joseph

Served Apprenticeship to

W. Hunter, n Dame St.,


John P. Carrigan, Thurles.

Paul A. Brown, Carlow.

Daniel McCartan, Down-


W. H. Spence, 37 West-

moreland St., Dublin.

James Henry, 41 Lower

Sackville St., Dublin.

Recent Decision affecting Solicitors.

(Notes of decisions, whether in reported or

unreported cases, of interest to Solicitors, are

invited from Members.}


(Before Peterson, J.)

In re Joseph Roby ; Shubrook



January 20, 1916.—

Costs—Creditor's admini

stration action


for administra

tion—Costs not mentioned—Accounts—

Further consideration

Plaintiffs costs—


Further consideration.

On March 15, 1913, the plaintiff in this

action, who was a creditor for £18, obtained

against the defendant, who was an executor

of the Will of the testator, an order for the

administration of the testator's insolvent

estate. The order was made by Joyce, J.,

and nothing was said at the time about costs.

On December 10, 1914, the matter came on

for further consideration before Eve, J., who

adjourned it until the defendant had got in

the rest of the estate, and ordered the account

to be continued.


that occasion


defendant opposed" the plaintiff having his

costs, but Eve, J., declined to discuss the

question then. The rest of the estate having

been got in, the further consideration now

came on for hearing, the only question being

one of costs.

It was contended for the plaintiff that he

was entitled to them as a matter of course,

and for the defendant it was contended that

the reservation of costs in an administration

action did not entitle the plaintiff to have his

costs paid out of the estate, and that if he

were entitled to his costs down to judgment,

he ought not to be allowed his costs of taking

the account.

Peterson, J., referred to Order LV., rule

10 (Irish Order LV., rule 14), and said that

he was of opinion that it was the settled

practice that where in an administration

action a plaintiff obtained judgment and

nothing was said as to costs, he was entitled

to his costs down to judgment, and that

where an account was ordered by the judg

ment he was entitled, in the absence of

misconduct, to his costs of taking the account.

The costs of the plaintiff must be allowed



The Law Journal,

Vol. LI., 64.)

Dates of Spring Assizes, 1916.


Co. Meath.—At Trim, March 1st, at 11


Co. Louth.—At Dundalk, March 2nd, at

11 o'clock.

Co. Monaghan.—At Monaghan, March 4th,

at 11 o'clock.

Co. Armagh.—At Armagh, March 7th, at

11 o'clock.

Co. Down.—At Downpatrick, March 9th,

at 11 o'clock.

Co. Antrim.—At Belfast, March 14th, at

12 o'clock.

Co. of the City of Belfast.—At Belfast,

March 16th, at 11 o'clock.


—Hon. Mr. Justice Boyd, Rt. Hon.

Mr. Justice Pirn.


—Mr. J. H. Monroe, Palmerston

Gardens, Dublin ; Mr. J. H. Nunn, Bective,

Pembroke Park, Dublin.