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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[MARCH, 1916

period during which a Solicitor has been or

is engaged on Active Service with the Naval

or Military Forces, and who has taken no

active part in conducting his business, or

that of the firm in which he is a partner.

Application on behalf of any Irish Solicitor

who wishes to take advantage of this con

cession, should be made to me as soon as

possible after the expiry of the term for which

the Certificate was "issued. Such application

may be for the whole or proportion of the

Duty, according to the time during which

Naval or Military duties have prevented the

transaction of the applicant's legal business.

Every application should be accompanied

by the duly stamped Certificate in respect of (

which the claim is made, and also by a

statutory declaration setting forth all the

facts necessary to establish the claim.

You will, of course, understand that this

concession does not in any way alter the

necessity for a Solicitor, either alone or in

partnership, holding a Certificate.

It refers exclusively to the return of Duty

which has been paid, and does not excuse or

affect its original payment in cases in which,

according to law, such payment is required.

I am,

Sir, Your obedient Servant,



Assistant Secretary and


The Secretary,

Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,

Solicitors' Buildings,

Four Courts,


Death Certificates of Soldiers.

THE War Office


that death

certificates are issued free of charge in the

case of officers as well as n.c.o.'s and men

killed in action or dying as the result of active

service. Applications in the case of fallen

officers should, however, be addressed to the

Secretary, War Office, Whitehall, London,

S.W. ;


regarding warrant

officers, n.c.o.'s and men only should be sent

to Park Buildings, St. James's Park, London,


Unqualified Person Acting as a Solicitor.

UPON the 16th February an application was

made by Mr. Serjeant Matheson, K.C., in

the King.'s Bench Division

(before Mr.

Justice Gibson and Mr. Justice Pirn), upon

behalf of the Incorporated Law Society, for

an order

that Frederick O'Flaherty be

adjudged guilty of a contempt of Court by

reason of his having, contraryto the provisions

of Sections 6 and 52 of the Solicitors (Ireland)

Act, 1898, acted as a Solicitor upon behalf

of the defendant in an action taken in the

King's Bench Division, and that a writ of

attachment do issue against him. It appeared

from the affidavits read by Counsel that in



Frederick O'Flaherty,

acting for the defendant in an action then

pending in the King's Bench Division, had

entered an appearance in the name of the

defendant, and had subsequently prepared

and filed a defence in the name of the defen

dant, and that he had been paid by the

defendant a sum of two pounds and one

shilling for this work.

Frederick O'Flaherty appeared on his own

behalf, and informed the Court that he had

been for many years in employment as clerk

to .a Dublin Solicitor ;

that he had for some

years been acquainted with the defendant,

and as a friend had given her advice ;


he entered the appearance and filed the

defence as a friend, and not with the intention

of acting as a Solicitor.

The Court^ made


order adjudging

Frederick O'Flaherty guilty of contempt,

and imposed a fine of £50, to be paid by him

within one week, and in default that he be

committed to prison

for one month, or

until he shall have sooner paid the said fine.

ALL communications connected with THE

GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should

be addressed to the Secretary of the Society,

Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin.

Calendar of the Incorporated Law



rr*HE Calendar and Law Directory,


published by the Society for 1916,

can be obtained in the Secretary's Office,

price 3s., or by post

