wiredInUSA - November 2013
S&E finds much to
“Play Fore”
project relocates
power cables
The Canadian district of Sparwood and
BC Hydro have commenced work on a
beautificatio project that will relocate
overhead power cables underground to
improve theaestheticsof thecommunity’s
downtown area.
Commenting on the initiative, Mayor
Halko said: “This is the first of two such
beautificationprojectswhichwill enhance
the look and feel of our downtown area,
as well as improve the routing of power
to certain areas and businesses in the
downtown core. We are pleased to have
had the support of BC Hydro through their
beautification grant.”
The $350,000 project follows the recent
announcement of a range of significant
investments in Sparwood
and is one ofa number of infrastructure
projects thatwill facilitate further inve
stment in thecommunity.
BC Hydro’s beautification
program assistsmunicipal governments
in achievingtheir objectives towards
environmentalconcerns, improving visual
aesthetics or toaccommodate a public r
edevelopmentproject. BC Hydro shares
up to a thirdof the electrical cost with
municipalitiesto relocate overhead di
stribution linesunderground.
BC Hydro contacts munic
ipalities everyyear, outlining the progra
m criteria andapplication requirements.