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Revised 8/2016

Membership Committee (continued)

Standing Committees of a Ruritan Club


Sample Letter of Invitation

Type a version of the letter of invitation below on club sta-

tionery. Don’t forget to replace the the name, time, date, and

place (in bold below) with your information.

Growth & Development

Assistance is Available

Organizing a new club can be a difficult task.

Don’t let the opportunity to build a new club

slip away from your Ruritan club. The Ruritan

National Office has resources that can help you in

your Growth & Development mission. Growth &

Development Kits are available:

Ruritan National

5451 Lyons Road

P.O. Box 487, Dublin, VA 24084

toll free (877) 787-8727

FAX (540) 674-2304

For additional assistance in forming new clubs or

recruiting members, contact your zone governor,

district governor, and/or the district growth and

development chair.


Prospective Member


The members of the


Ruritan Club extend

to you a special invitation to our next meeting. Please

come and enjoy our meal, fellowship, and program.

We will meet at (


), (


), (



I hope you will accept our invitation to attend and

participate in future programs vital to making our com‑

munity a better place to live. You will receive the reward

of satisfaction from helping and share the friendship of

other responsible community leaders.

We look forward to having you as our guest and

sharing our Ruritan fellowship with you.


Ima Ruritan

Ima Ruritan


Ruritan Club President

Sample Ruritan Club

Anytown, USA 99999


Helpful Suggestions

Membership Retention

1. Absent members

should be notified that they were

missed soon after the meeting. A telephone call or short

note will do.

2. Absent members should be contacted and apprised


their situation prior to being dropped. There may be jobs,

sickness, or other factors causing them to miss the meetings.

3. Make‑up meetings should be encouraged.

4. Members may be placed on leave of absence

up to one

year or may be made

at‑large member

indefinitely with

annual status review by club.

5. Offer associate memberships

to members who seem to

be unable to make regular meetings.

Silent Salesman

Donate your extra or old copies of the RURITAN magazine

to your library, doctor’s office, or other public places. Attach a

note about your local Ruritan club (your name, giving meeting

dates, meeting place, and your telephone number.)

Setting Your Membership Goals

1. How many members would you like to have at your

monthly meeting?

2. How many members do you need to complete your com-

munity service programs?

3. Would more members make serving your community

easier? Would it make conducting fundraisers easier?

4. What number will you need will determine your goal?

Club Sponsoring a Club


The club president should explain at a club meeting

that the club should assist in organizing a new Ruritan


2. After a discussion, club members should vote to spon-

sor the new club.

3. President appoints a Growth and Development Com-

mittee (a small committee, generally best with two mem-

bers) with the president serving as ex-officio member.

4. Club members assist the Growth and Development

Committee by identifying key contacts in nearby com-


5. The club’s Growth and Development Committee will

select the community in which to organize a new club.

6. Members will assist the Growth and Development

Committee by contacting community leaders, explaining

Ruritan, and/or inviting acquaintances from the selected

community to visit the club meeting as guests.