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Revised 8/2016

and Objectives Committee to prepare five community

service reports. These reports must be postmarked to

the district governor by October 1.


1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover).

2. Club officers are elected (presiding officer should be

familiar with election rules and procedures.) New officers

should plan to attend the district and national conven-

tions and zone instructional meeting.

3. Secretary will confirm or correct monthly


ship Audit and Invoice


sent from Ruritan Na-

tional Office and treasurer issues a check for national

dues to be sent to Ruritan National with the quarterly

Activities and Attendance report

included in the

Secretary’s Handbook. Duplicate copies of this report

should be sent to the district governor, district lt. gov-

ernor, zone governor, and national representative with

one copy retained for the club files.

4. Secretary includes the names of new officers on special

form provided in secretary’s book with the


and Attendance report

mentioned in #2.

5. Club selects delegates to district convention. (One

delegate for each 10 members, with a minimum of 2

delegates. Incoming officers urged to attend as well as

other club members.)

6. Secretary orders past president’s lapel button for

presentation at December meeting.

7. Newly elected officers are to attend zone club officers’


8. Secretary receives club kit (for new officers, board,

and committee chairs) from Ruritan National. Distribute


the officer handbooks to the newly-elected officers,

who will use these handbooks in Club Officers’ Training.


1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover).

2. Club chooses delegates to Ruritan National Conven-


3. President appoints Auditing Committee.

4. After the November club meeting, the president and

the vice president hold a meeting of incoming and out-

going members of Board of Directors before December

meeting and do the following:

a. President distributes material from club kit to proper

persons. (This club kit will be mailed in October by

Ruritan National Office to the secretary.)

b. Each officer review Officers’ Handbook to become

familiar with duties.

c. The vice president appoints the committee chairs and

committee members with the assistance of the board.

d. Vice President orders preparation of copies of com-

mittee assignments to hand out at December meeting.

(Committee chairs should be contacted to make sure

they will serve.)

e. Plan for proper installation of new officers at the

December meeting. (Use present or past zone, district,

or national officers.)

4. Newly elected club officers must attend club officers’



1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover).

2. Delegates attending the district convention report to

the club.

3. At this meeting, the club may desire to review its ac-

complishments for the year. This may be in the form of

an outgoing president’s report.

4. New officers installed with proper ceremony.

5. Outgoing officers recognized and president given a

past president’s lapel pin.

6. New president announces names of appointed officers

(chaplain, song leader, reporter and sergeant‑at‑arms.)

7. New president announces names of following stand-

ing committee chairs and names of committee members

and gives each committee chair appropriate literature

from the Club Kit: Program & Entertainment, Finance,

Public Relations, Growth & Development, Membership,

and Objectives

8. New vice president announces names of community

service committee chairs and members and:

a. Gives each committee chair appropriate committee

guides and information.

b. Instructs each committee to hold a meeting (see

number 9) to study suggestions in the community

service guides, to review the needs of the community,

and to select objectives that the club might approve.

c. Asks that the costs to the club of each objectives

be estimated.

9. Secretary distributes list of committee assignments

to all club members.

10. After the December meeting, the new vice president

calls a meeting of the Objective Committee (composed

of the chairs of the community service committees) and:

a. Calls on each committee chair to report recom-

mended objectives of his/her committee.

b. Makes sure that the funds needed to carry out each

objective are shown.

c. Has copies of objectives and funds needed made for

presentation to club at the January meeting.

11. Fills out applications for Foundation Grants. All ap-

plications must be received at Ruritan National Office

by April 1.
