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Revised 8/2016

Responsibilities of Ruritan Club Officers

A. President

The president is the key person in the club and coordinator

of all its activities. The president is the most important link

between the club membership and the zone, district, and

national officers. The president’s leadership and guidance

should serve as an inspiration to all members in achieving

the objectives of Ruritan.


1. Studying this entire handbook.

2. Appointing committees (with the help of the club’s board

of directors, when possible). Select committee chairs who

will work. Be sure of each chair’s acceptance before an‑

nouncing. See that every member has a purpose. Stand‑

ing Committees include the following:

a. Program and Entertainment

b. Finance

c. Public Relations

d. Membership

e. Growth and Development ‑ new clubs

f. Nominating

g. Special

3. Appointing the following club officers at December

meeting after the installation of elected officers.

a. Reporter

b. Chaplain

c. Song Leader

d. Sergeant‑at‑Arms

4. Seeing that a club roster is prepared.

5. Serving as Ex‑Officio member of all committees, and

attending as many meetings as possible.

6. Helping the vice president discharge duties as chair

of the Objectives Committee.

a. Seeing that the objectives for the year have been

properly prepared and presented at the January meet‑

ing for discussion and final adoption.

b. Seeing that each committee chair understands


7. Checking with the chair of the Program Committee

before each meeting to make sure that all arrangements

have been made.

8. Following “Yearly Schedule for Ruritan Club Officers.”

9. Presiding at all meetings of the club and the board of


10. Starting meetings on time and closing at designated


11. Following the meeting procedure (inside of the front

cover of this handbook).

12. Following the suggested agenda for board of directors’

meeting in this handbook.

13. Seeing that all members of the club, especially the

officers, are familiar with the club bylaws.

14. Seeing that each new member is

a. Properly welcomed into the club.

b. Fully informed about Ruritan purposes, objectives,

and procedures. (Designate a mentor to handle this


B. Vice President


1. Studying this entire handbook.

2. Serving as chair of the Objectives Committee. (This

committee is made up of the chair of each of the five com‑

munity service committees.)

3. Serving as chair of the Finance Committee. (This

committee is made up of the treasurer and such other

members as appointed by the president.)

4. Securing from the outgoing president the guides

concerning the work of each of the five community ser‑

vice committees and giving a copy to each chair at the

December meeting.

5. Urging each committee chair to hold meeting of com‑

mittee and select tentative objectives for presentation at

Objectives Committee meeting.

6. Holding an Objectives Committee meeting before

January club meeting, where the committee selects the

objectives that will be recommended to club for discussion

and approval along with estimated costs of each.

7. Preparing sufficient copies of tentative objectives, with

estimated costs and names of committee members, for

distribution at the January meeting.

8. Serving as presiding officer of the club and board of

directors’ meetings in the absence of the president.

9. Serving as a member of the board of directors.

10. Assisting the president in attaining goals set up for

the year.

11. Following up on work of committees throughout the


12. Making a report at each meeting giving progress on

club objectives. (Call on committee chairs as convenient

and appropriate.)

13. Preparing community service reports with help of

president, secretary, and Objectives Committee. (Copies

to be sent to district governor.)

14. Attending Club Officers’ Training, zone meetings, and

district and national conventions, if possible.

15. Arranging for presentation of past president’s lapel pin

to outgoing president at the December meeting.

c. Assigned to work on a committee.

d. Presented with a lapel button.

15. Attending Club Officers’ Training, zone meetings,

district and national conventions.

16. Reporting at zone meetings.

Ruritan is a national organization dedicated

to improving communities and building

a better America through Fellowship,

Goodwill, and Community Service


Ruritan Mission
