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Revised 8/2016

Responsibilities of Club Officers


C. Secretary


1. Serving as a member of the board of directors.

2. Notifying each member of time, place, and date of all


3. Keeping available a copy of all publications and

forms prepared by Ruritan National for club use. (Cop‑

ies of approved minutes of the National Board of Direc‑

tors’ meetings are available from the national office

upon request of club secretary.)

4. Sending personal invitations to prospective mem‑

bers approved at the last club meeting.

5. Keeping an accurate record of membership and at‑

tendance, reporting the number on roll and the number

present at each meeting, and making those changes in

the MMS or submitting them to the national staff. Each

club establishes its own policy regarding perfect atten‑

dance tabs. Call and see why the member was absent.

6. Keeping accurate, thorough, and permanent records

of the club and all meetings of the board of directors,

including minutes, reports and correspondence. Re‑

ports of Board of Directors’ meetings are to be read at

the following club meeting for proper action.

7. Making prompt and complete reports to Ruritan

National, district governor, lt. governor, and zone gov‑

ernor - or making prompt updates to the online Member

Management System (


). See page 5 for details.

8. Writing a letter of appreciation to the speaker and

others on the program, immediately after each meeting.

9. Helping the club reporter in preparing publicity re‑

garding the club’s activities and accomplishments.

10. Being responsible for ordering past president’s pin

for presentation by the vice president to the president at

December meeting.

11. Filing all completed records in place designated by

the board of directors prior to passing current material

to the new secretary.

12. Submitting books for auditing at anytime as re‑

quested by the board of directors.

13. Attending club officers’ training, zone meetings, and

district and national conventions, if possible.

D. Treasurer


1. Serving as a member of the board of directors and

Finance Committee.

2. Serving as custodian of all funds, bonds, and other

evidence of assets owned by the club.

3. Keeping detailed, accurate and permanent records

that can easily be understood by successor.

4. Collecting all dues from members and depositing

them along with any other funds in a bank or financial

institution selected and approved by the board of direc‑


a. Deposit all funds in the name of the club.

b. Keep an accurate record of each member’s pay‑

ment of dues.

c. Bill members quarterly who have not paid their

Ruritan Clubs and Technology

Nearly all of the Ruritan National forms and books

are available digitally as PDF files. Some can be

downloaded from the website at

under the heading “Resources” and others can be

requested on CD through the Ruritan Member Service

Department for a small handling fee. Clubs also have

the option of choosing an entirely digital Club Kit

instead of the paper books and materials traditionally

mailed to club each fall.

Ruritan National also has club treasurer’s ledgers

and secretary’s attendance sheets designed as

Excel spreadsheets with formulas and calculations

embedded, making computer record keeping very

simple for the club.

While many clubs are using computers and the

internet for their records and files – others continue

to prefer the paper documents traditionally used by

Ruritan clubs. The Ruritan National Office will attempt

to satisfy this variety of needs and provide documents

and publications in the format each club prefers. For

more information contact Ruritan Member Service toll

free at 877-787-8727 ext. 303 or e-mail at service@



Ruritan awards applications and/or forms WILL

be accepted digitally and by e-mail provided the

appropriate recipient


an e-mail address. It is

the club’s responsibility to locate that e-mail address

and the form(s) must contain ALL of the information

required for the award. Please keep a printed copy of

e-mail files showing dates sent, etc. Signatures may

be omitted when a form is sent digitally, however

judges may make contact with designated signees for

verification, so their names must be on the form. All

award applications and/or forms must still be received

on the appropriate deadlines.


dues in advance.

5. Paying obligations of the club promptly, by check, as

properly authorized.

6. Giving complete club financial report when request‑

ed, showing receipts and disbursements since previous

report, with balance of funds on hand. (Give a copy of

report to secretary for minutes.)

7. Reporting members delinquent in payment of dues,

with amounts, at each board of directors’ meeting.

8. Submitting books for auditing at anytime as request‑

ed by Board of Directors.

9. Filing Form 990, 990 EZ, or 990 N (electronic

postcard) with Internal Revenue Service. See page

43 of this handbook for more information on this

change in filing for Ruritan clubs.

10. Attending club officers’ training, zone meetings, and

district and national conventions, if possible.