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Revised 8/2016

Agenda for Winter Zone Meetings

1. Call to order - immediate past zone governor.

2. Singing of the song “America.”

3. Invocation.

4. Introduction of guest(s).

5. Recognition of club presidents.

6. Club activity.

a. What should be done in board of directors’

monthly meetings.

1. Follow the meeting procedure.

2. Control the length of the meeting.

b. How to have interesting and effective meetings

and programs.

c. Getting committees to function.

d. Getting new members (proper procedure).

e. Setting up club objectives.

f. Financing club projects.

g.  Reports to Ruritan National, district, and zone


h. Publicity.

7. Growth and Development chair explains


8. National Director’s report.

9. Brief inspirational talk.

10. Pledge of allegiance to flag.


Agenda for Summer Zone Meetings

1. Call to order - zone governor.

2. Singing of the song “America.”

3. Invocation.

4. Announcements.

5. Introduction of guest(s).

6. Report of club presidents.

7. Instructions-Review the following annual


a. Election of club officers.

1. Procedure for appointing club Nominating

Committee (September).

2. Election of Officers (October).

3. Report newly elected club officers to

district governor and Ruritan National


4. Installation Ceremony (December).

b. Community Service Reports (materials in

Awards book)

1. Proper completion of forms.

2. Deadlines.

c. Growth and Development - assisting weak


d. District Convention (District Governor).

1. Importance of club representation -


2. Date, time, place, program.

e. Ruritan National Convention (National


1. Importance of club representation-


2. Date, time, place, program.

f. Publicity.

g. Zone governor’s comments.

8. Pledge of Allegiance.


Spring Visits

1. Are your clubs participating in whatever national

growth programs and contests might be going on?

Check your RURITAN magazines and newsletters

for details and encourage participation.

2 .Will your clubs send delegates to the next

National Convention? Is it understood by the clubs

that this is a legitimate use of fundraising dollars –

sending delegates to carry out the business of the

national organization and representing their club?

3. Has your clubs treasurer been authorized to send

in $300 for Build Your Dollars to the Ruritan National

Foundation before September 1?

4. Are any of your club members coming to the

Foundation Fellowship Weekend in the fall?

5. Be aware of clubs that are not reporting or who

are falling behind in their dues. Request assistance

from your district officers or Ruritan National to work

with those clubs.

Fall Visits

1. Follow up on your clubs growth activities.

2. Are your clubs going to be well represented at the

district convention?

Suggested Check Lists for Zone Govenors Visiting Clubs

Fall visits continued ...

3. Are any members of your clubs interested in

serving in a District level office?

4. Have your club’s National Convention delegates

met the early registration deadline? Do they have

hotel rooms?

5. Clubs should elect officers with installation

ceremonies in December. Are your clubs operating

under this schedule?

6. Clubs should also send all officers to Club Officer

training sessions as scheduled by your district. Make

sure clubs know when and where this will be done.
