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Revised 8/2016

The District Leadership Development Coordina‑

tor (LDC) is responsible for coordinating the planning,

promoting, conducting and evaluating of all leadership

development activities, both basic and advanced, for

Ruritans in his/her district (or area) throughout the year.

These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the


1. In cooperation with the district governor appointing

a District Leadership Development team consisting of

qualified persons from the district. The DLD Team should

include, but is not limited to, the persons certified under

the previous Ruritan National trainer certification process.

2. Developing a working relationship with the lt. gover‑

nor who is responsible for the logistics for District Officer

Training, i.e. obtaining a location for training, ordering re‑

freshments, notifying all cabinet members of the upcom‑

ing training, etc.

3. Developing a working relationship with zone gover‑

nors who are responsible for the logistics for Club Officer

Training, i.e. obtaining a location for training should it be

held in their zone, ordering refreshments, notifying all

clubs within the zone, etc.

4. Developing and implementing a plan for leadership

development workshops in the district, presenting this

plan to the district cabinet for discussion and feedback

at its first meeting of the year. The LDC should forward a

copy of this plan to the National Leadership Development

Committee for information purposes.

5. Developing promotional flyers, evaluation forms, re‑

cords/reports, etc. The LDC will also maintain the training

materials and learning modules issued from the Ruritan

National Office.

6. Facilitating basic orientation for new Ruritan

members and basic leadership workshops for new club

officers using the newly developed learning modules.

7. Planning the annual District Officers’ Leader‑

ship Development workshop in the fall using an outline

provided by Ruritan National. (To ensure that all district

leaders receive the same training).

8. Planning and facilitating other specialized and/or

advanced workshops. Such workshops would be open

to all Ruritans, but especially those who have already

successfully completed basic leadership development

workshops using the new materials and techniques.

Examples of these advanced workshop options would

include, but not be limited to, the following:

• Agenda Building and Utilization at Meetings

• Awards & Recognition

• Brag & Share Roundtables

• Building Better Partnerships

• Community Service Projects & Reports

• Conducting Effective Meetings

• Fundraising Ideas

• Group Dynamics

• Identifying and Meeting Community Needs

• Leadership Styles

Leadership Development Coordinator

Duties and Responsibilities

• Membership Recruitment, Retention, and Mentoring

• Motivational Speaking

• Parliamentary Procedure

• Problem Solving and Decision Making

• Ruritan for All Ages – Youth & Seniors

• Stress Management

• Time Management

• Tips on Promotion and Public Relations

9. Continuing his or her own on-going leadership

development through:


Consulting with Ruritan National Office and the

National Leadership Development Committee Ruri‑

tan colleagues, especially other LDCs.


Attending workshops and retreats for LDCs and

DLD Teams held at the Ruritan National Convention

and other times during the year.


Attending other non-Ruritan leadership develop‑

ment training opportunities.

Position Requirements for LDC

1. Demonstrating knowledge of Ruritan at the club,

zone, district, and national levels.

2. Demonstrating knowledge, implementing, coordi‑

nating, and evaluating plans of work.

3. Demonstrating experience in planning and facili‑

tating leadership development opportunities.

4. Demonstrating good human relations and team

building skills and attitudes.

5. Demonstrating good speaking abilities.

The Ruritan National Leadership Development Com‑

mittee is depending on the LCDs to help develop ad‑

vanced Leadership Workshops such as the ones listed

in the duties and responsibilities so they may be used by

all other district and area LDCs to advance all Ruritans

beyond the basic leadership level.

Club Officer’s Leadership

Development Training

This training is held ideally in the fall, or between the

October meeting and March 1. The leadership development

coordinator and the district governor designate qualified

persons to train club officers in the district. Instructors are to

have the following qualifications:

(1) Knowledge about Ruritan procedures, the national

bylaws, the district bylaws, and the club bylaws.

(2) Communication skills, both oral and written.

(3) Possession of up-to-date instructional materials from

the Ruritan National Office.
