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Revised 8/2016

1. Sources of District Funds

a. Effective January 1, 1998, each district receives 10

percent of national dues per member, per year, refund‑

ed from Ruritan National.

b. District dues are optional. Each district may es‑

tablish its own district dues. The amount of dues per

member of each club shall be determined by the

district cabinet provided any increase in dues shall

not become effective until approved by a 2/3 vote of

the delegates at the next district convention. Notice

of such proposed dues increase shall be sent to the

president of each club in the district at least thirty (30)

days prior to the start of said convention.

2. District Expenses Paid by Ruritan National

a. One-half expenses of the district governor and the

immediate past district governor to the Ruritan National

convention, as specified on the back of the expense

voucher form providing:

(1) The district governor attends the District Gover‑

nors’ School at the national convention as well as

substantially all the meetings of the convention, and,

(2) The immediate past district governor attends the

meeting of the national convention, and must have

attended district officers leadership training in the fall

unless otherwise excused by the Ruritan National


(3) The district financial reports (Forms R-35 received

at the National Office by November 10) (R-36 are re‑

ceived at the Ruritan National Office by February 10.)

b. Lt. Governors must attend the Summer Leadership

Conference unless absence is approved by the Ruritan

National President. District governors are



attend the Summer Leadership Conference with the

stipulation that expenses be reimbursed for one room

and one travel per district, plus food (exceptions for

distance and gender related problems).

c. Expense vouchers should be submitted promptly.

Expenses more than six months old cannot be paid

without special approval of the Ruritan National Board

of Directors.

District Finances

Income Tax Exemption

One of the values of Ruritan membership for clubs

is income tax exemption. Each club affiliated with

Ruritan National automatically has income tax exemp‑

tion under the blanket exemption issued to Ruritan


The Ruritan National group exemption

number is 1615.

All clubs should have an unique and individual Em‑

ployer Identification Number (EIN).

This EIN number

is obtained by filing form SS4 with the Internal

Revenue Service.

Ruritan National assists clubs

who may have problems related to IRS. By contrast,

unaffiliated clubs may have difficulty obtaining tax-ex‑

empt status and would receive no help in filing proper

forms or in handling problems that might arise with

the Internal Revenue Service


IRS Tax Form 990: All Clubs Must File

Ruritan National and Ruritan Clubs are 501(c)4 organizations which means they are exempt from paying

income tax on earnings but that no one making a donation receives a tax deduction.

Beginning in 2008, small tax-exempt organizations like Ruritan clubs, that previously were not required to file re‑

turns, are required to file some form of the IRS

Form 990.

This may be simply the

Form 990-N, Electronic Notice


for it may be

Form 990


Form 990-EZ

. This filing requirement applies to tax periods beginning after

December 31, 2006. Organizations that do not file the notice will lose their tax-exempt status.

With the enactment of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA), even small tax-exempt organizations with minimal

income will now be required to file electronically

Form 990-N,

also known as the


, with the IRS annually.

According to the IRS, the form should be filed by the fifteenth day of the fifth month after the close of your tax year

(for most Ruritan clubs that will be May 15th).

If you have any questions, call Ruritan Service toll free at 877-787-8727 ext. 303 or email at

3. Expenses Paid by the District

These shall be determined by the district cabinet at its

first meeting each year and may include:

a.Travel, stationery, postage, and telephone expenses

of the district governor, the lieutenant governor, the

zone governors, the district secretary, the district trea‑

surer, growth and development chair, and the founda‑

tion chair.

b. One-half of the expenses of the district governor

and the immediate past district governor to the national


c. Committee meetings related to the district conven‑


d. District convention expenses not otherwise met.

e. Awards and recognition.

f. Expenses to zone meetings.

g. District supplies and equipment costs.

h. Meetings other than Ruritan when representing the


i. District newsletter, directory, or other publications.
