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Revised 8/2016

District Growth and Development

Growth and Development Chair

1. New clubs and growth plans should be discussed at


cabinet and zone meetings.

2. Each district should conduct and keep up to date a

complete survey of communities for potential club de‑

velopment within the district and surrounding areas.

3. There should be a Growth and Development Commit‑

tee in each district and each zone and clubs should

consider the feasibility of having a Growth and Devel‑

opment Committee.

4. Ruritan National will provide the following:

a. Promotional and growth and development printed

material (see Growth & Development Kit below).*

b. Training for district governors, lt. governors,

zone governors, growth and development chair,

and others as needed.

c. The availability of an assigned national director to

help when unusual opportunities arise.

d. Growth and Development plaques will be awarded

to the district governor whose district organizes three

or more clubs.

1. The most clubs in first six months of the year

2. The most clubs in second six months of the year

3. The most clubs (total) for the year

Districts that tie for National Growth and Develop-

ment awards shall be recognized with a plaque for

each district governor.

5. See Ruritan Awards book for the Distinguished Ruritan

Member and the Sponsoring Club/District Award.

New Club Charter Meeting


Between the organizational meeting and the

charter meeting of a new club, the temporary president

shall appoint a three-person nominating committee which

will present its report at the charter meeting. The tempo-

rary president will make arrangements for the meeting

place and the meal. The charter and new club kit will be

sent to the district governor.


1. Keep meeting and introductions brief and to the


2. Do not overwhelm the new club with too much


3. Remember that the officers and members of the new

club are the most important people at this meeting.

4. Working closely with this new club is the responsibil‑

ity of the zone governor.

5. Keep the zone governor actively involved.

*Growth and Development materials to charter a new RURI-

TAN club are available as downloadable items on the Ruritan


. Click on the “growth” icon or visit

the library under “member resources” and use the search

function for the word “charter.” You can also find templates

for customized club brochures etc. You may also call toll free

at 877-787-8727 ext. 303 for materials. Material includes charter

applications, brochures, procedures, and guides.

Charter Meeting Agenda

1. Meeting called to order by temporary president.

2. Song “America”.

3. Invocation.

4. Meal.

5. Temporary president or Ruritan leader - summarize “What

Ruritan Is” (maximum time 3 to 5 minutes).

6. Club business.

a. Adoption of Club Bylaws.

b. Request to Ruritan National that club be added to its list of

tax exempt clubs.

c. Report of Nominating Committee and election of officers.

d. Election of monthly meeting date, time, and place.

e. Club sets amount of quarterly dues.

f. Other necessary business.

7. Installation of officers.

8. Presentation of charter.

9. Signing of charter.

10. Closing remarks by Ruritan official. (This is not to be a

major address).

11. Pledge of allegiance to flag and adjournment.

12. Members sign charter and pay charter fees. The club board

of directors will meet to set date for meeting of directors

a. Plan next meeting program.

b. Appoint committees.

c. Get started on the club’s work.

d. Consider proposed new members.

e. Instruct new officers. (It is recommended that this be

done on an individual basis.)

Important Points

In as much as Ruritan views the rentention of pres-

ent members and clubs of at least equal importance

as that of obtaining new members and clubs, this

district position has the dual responsiblity of the devel-

opment of the Ruritan program in the district as well

as giving special attention and assistance to any weak

and/or struggling clubs in the district.

Duties of the G&D Chair

1. Serving as a member of the district cabinet.

2. Developing goals and programs, with the approval

of the District Governor, to meet or exceed the goals of

the National President.

3. Identifying potential sites for new clubs in the dis‑

trict, with the assistance of the clubs, zone governors,

and members of the district cabinet.

4. Coordinating all activities relative to the develop‑

ment of any new club. this is to minimize duplication of

effort and to avoid any confusion among the potential

new members.

5. Maintaining frequent communication with the District

Governor in all areas of growth and development.

6. Working closely with any weak and/or struggling

clubs, especially those below charter strength, keeping

the district governor and lt. governor apprised.
