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Revised 8/2016

Duties of the Fundraising Chair

1. Planning fundraisers to help support district programs

as applicable.

2. Coordinating fundraisers for charitable causes within

the district or for a Ruritan program (such as Operation

We Care, Ruritan National Foundation, etc).

Fundraising Chair

District Treasurer

The treasurer shall be installed at the district convention

and take office January 1.

1. Serving as a member of the district cabinet.

2. Keeping district funds in a responsible bank.

3. Depositing all district funds, keeping a record of re‑

ceipts and disbursements, and reporting these trans‑

actions at cabinet meetings and at the district conven‑


4. Paying bills as directed by the district cabinet or the

district governor.

5. Billing clubs for district dues; billing clubs (if appli‑

cable), individuals, or businesses for unpaid accounts

due to the district.

6. Requesting audit of records by a committee appointed

by district cabinet.

7. Completing financial reports requested by Ruritan


8. Submitting financial reports to district governor and

promptly transferring all funds and records to the next

year’s treasurer.

Duties of the Publicity and PR Chair

1. Establishing a good relationship with the local media by

preparing news releases for all special events, along with

district and national conventions.

2. Preparing the district’s newsletter.

3. Promoting the district’s convention.

4. Publicizing the Rudy Ruritan program and other com‑

munity service programs.

5. Building an overall better relationship with the clubs and


6. Assisting national representatives with the

supply display at district conventions

Publicity and Public Relations


Youth Coordinator

Duties of the Youth Coordinator

1. Developing a youth activity program that helps serve the

needs of youth in their communities.

2. Providing opportunities through working agreements

with other organizations that share the same values as


3. Identifying, training, nurturing, and developing the leader‑

ship of our youth, which is vital to the future of Ruritan.

Strategies for District Youth Programs

A. Expanding opportunities with organizations with which

Ruritan already has a working agreement.

B. Identifying and developing working agreements with

other organizations that will help us reach our goal.

C. Encouraging clubs who sponsor youth, or youth activi‑

ties, to make recipients aware of what our organization

is all about.

D. Encouraging clubs to involve more youth in club meet‑

ings, i.e., invite youth to a meeting before sending them

to a sponsored event and let them know what is expected

of them and then invite them back after the event for a


E. Encouraging submission of youth related articles and

events for inclusion in the Ruritan Magazine or Ruritan

Newsletter and in district publications.

F. Where applicable, encouraging zone or district

meetings, on at least an annual basis, of high school

Ruritan club members, Ruritan Student members, and

other interested youth to discuss benefits, problems, or

other issues related to Ruritan involvement or member‑


Foundation Promotion Chair

Duties of the Foundation Promotion Chair

1. Educating members within the club and district about

existing and new Ruritan National Foundation pro‑


2. Helping coordinate district fundraisers that benefit the

Ruritan National Foundation.

3. Promoting participation in Ruritan National Foundation

programs within the district and clubs within the district:

a. Foundation grant programs

b. Operation We Care

c. Foundation Permanent Funds

d. Foundation Special Permanent Funds

4. Offering a minimum 15 minute club program on Ruritan

National Foundation programs if asked by club, district,

or zone officials.

5. Promoting attendance to the Ruritan National Founda‑

tion’s Fellowship Weekend each year.

6. Encouraging contributions to or participation at the

Ruritan National Foundation’s Silent Auction and other

events held at the Ruritan National Convention.

Duties of the District Treasurer
