“We are able to put a compre-
hensive skills-set to play for
clients such as Sasol, for which
the group’s divisions undertake
a broad spectrum of projects,” says Geoff
Thompson, business development director
for the Stefanutti Stocks Structures business
unit. “These capabilities, coupled with our
uncompromising policies on quality and
safety, and solid client relationships, have
made Stefanutti Stocks one of the preferred
contractors within this industry.”
Piling capabilities
After successfully completing the piling
for the Oxygen Train 16
project in 2009,
Stefanutti Stocks Geotechnical was awarded
the piling works contract for what will be the
worlds’ largest Oxygen production facility,
the new Oxygen Train 17
Plant. The scope of
works on this contract included:
• Preliminary designs at the tender stage
and further auger trial holes to verify the
founding conditions.
• Final construction design with piles
carrying loads in side-shear only,
including client’s minimum require-
ments based on the auger trial holes
• Installation of 516 temporary cased
and uncased Auger-Cased In Situ (ACIS)
structural piles, with diameters ranging
between 450 mm to 750 mm.
• Installation of three 750 mm-diameter
compression-load test piles, with four
anchor piles for each test.
The production schedule was impacted by
the discovery of an unforeseen hard rock
layer of dolerite beneath 83% of the site
footprint, which needed to be drilled through
in order to achieve the minimum required
rock sockets. Also, unexpected water seepage
below eight metres deep required proper
planning for drilling, pile-base cleaning and
concrete pouring. In some of the piles, mainly
in the backfilled areas, severe water ingress
and associated side-wall collapses required
the utilisation of temporary casings.
This project had very tight milestones
and required sections to be handed over in
early January 2016, with heavy penalties
as a result of not completing on time. “Our
planning in terms of material procurement,
mobilising to site and the execution of the
works had to be very precise,” says project
manager Teboho Motaung. “We put a sound
strategy in place and completed the overall
works and sectional hand overs two weeks
ahead of schedule.”
The specification required pile compres-
sion load tests be done on three 750 mm-
diameter piles carrying a working load of
2 765 kN. The piles were loaded to 1,5 x
working load as per the testing specifica-
tions. “The main purpose for conducting the
pile compression load testing is to validate
and to check compliance with the design
specifications,” explains Motaung. “In order
to allow the application of a load to the
test pile for an extended period of time this
method of testing involved the use of a reac-
tion system, using a 500 ton jack to apply the
required test load of 4 147 kN.”
As pile-compression load testing
is regarded as temporary works, the
method and assembly of the tests were
carried out in accordance with the require-
ments of SANS1200F, British Standard and
the South African Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS) Act.
Structural, mechanical,
electrical, instrumentation
and piping (SMEIP)
Stefanutti Stocks Oil & Gas division is
undertaking the Chlorotrifluoroethylene
(CTFE) SMEIP contract for Sasol in Secunda.
The contract for the fabrication of the piping
spools, using free issue material, was also
undertaken by the division. This was under-
taken at the division’s pipe spool fabrica-
tion facility in Elandsfontein (that includes
a furnace for heat treatment). Once the
blasting and painting completed delivered to
site in Secunda.
Process plant maintenance and
E&I has been undertaking the electrical and
Scope for application of
By Chrissi Maria
As a multidisciplinary construction partner to the oil & gas
sector, Stefanutti Stocks offers a full-range of construction
services including geotechnical, earthworks, civils,
building, mechanical, process piping systems, electrical
and instrumentation installations, as well as structural
rehabilitation and concrete repair.
Stefanutti Stocks Geotechnical's piling rigs that were used at the Sasol Train 17th Plant site.