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Commenting on the results,

Group Five CEO Eric Vemer, said:

“These results bear testimony

to our strategy of investing and

operating across the infrastructure value

chain, which enables the generation of an

improved blended group operating margin

and the delivery of annuity income to

deliver sustained returns. During the year,

our Investments & Concessions business

especially proved its value in our portfolio,

with its performance again balancing the

cyclicality of construction earnings and

providing a strong underpin to our overall

group results.

“As a management team, we are

continually reviewing our strategy to ensure

it remains relevant to changing market

landscapes and client requirements, as

well as enhancing shareholder value. Our

portfolio of assets is therefore tested for its

strategic fit and ability to create accept-

able return on investment. During the

year, a working group with the board

and management was created to focus

on this.

“We believe we are set to

deliver strong growth and

returns over the longer term,

with a complementary

business portfolio that

provides downside

protection to earn-

ings through

tough times,

diversification between Euro, US Dollar and

Rand revenues, and strong leverage for

growth and profitability in periods of infra-

structure and resource market expansion.”

Looking forward, Vemer said: “Following

a period of introspection and cost-reduction,

our attention is again more firmly focused

outwardly on target markets and securing

the orders that will deliver the value-en-

hancing growth management seek, while

improving our returns on capital employed

across the group.

“Alongside our South African focus,

we have a clear geographic strategy of

expanding into high-growth countries in the

rest of Africa and Europe. Our localisation

strategy is organic, which does not

require material capital investment.

We take a long term view and are

prepared to spend development time

and capital in partnership with other

project developers to secure a preferred

position and role in developing, imple-

menting and operating new infrastruc-

ture assets. Our continued expansion in

these markets is based on our proven

and growing experience in the delivery



in earnings

Group Five delivered a

pleasing improvement in

earnings for the full year

to June 2016 due to an

exceptional result from the

Investments & Concessions

cluster, boosted by significant

fair value profit realised from

the group’s Eastern European

project investment portfolio.


Financial overview

• Group revenue remained largely

unchanged at R13,8-billion (F2015:


• Core operating profit increased by

111,4% from R348,4-million to


• Overall core operating margin increased

from 2,5% in the prior year to 5,3%. Total

reported operating margin increased

from 2,6% to 5,2%

• Headline earnings per share (HEPS)

of 335 cents represents an increase of

63,6%, and fully diluted HEPS (FDHEPS)

of 335 cents per share an increase

of 64,2% compared to the HEPS and

FDHEPS of 205 cents and 204 cents per

share respectively for F2015

• Earnings per share (EPS) of 375 cents

and fully diluted EPS (FDEPS) of 375

cents per share represents a 69% and

69,7% increase respectively over the

222 cents per share and 221 cents per

share for F2015.

• The statement of financial position

continues to be sound, with a nil net

gearing ratio and bank and cash balance

of R3,3-billion as at 30 June 2016 (F2015:

R3,4-billion and H1 F2016: R3,6-billion)

• The cash flow position is pleasing

o The group generated R449,4 million

(F2015: R425,1 million) cash from

operations before a minimal level

of working capital enhancement of

R30,2-million (F2015: R118,9 million)

o This resulted in a net cash inflow

from operating activities of R146,3-

million (F2015: R238,1-million) after

settlement of taxation liabilities and

the dividend to shareholders

Group Five CEO, Eric Vemer.

of complex multi-disciplinary, international-

ly-financed contracts in difficult geographies

with complex logistical and local chal-

lenges. We have a track record of operating

in-country and growing local employees

through the establishment of a permanent

presence in key target countries. Prime exam-

ples are Ghana, Poland and Hungary.”

The group’s total secured Engineering

& Construction contracting order book

stands at R11,2-billion (December 2015:

R11,8-billion, June 2015: R14,1billion).

In addition, the group has R6,1-billion

in secured operations and main-

tenance contracts (December

2015: R5,8-billion, June 2015:
