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Image courtesy of National Grid Gas plc

The reserves of gas that we

already know exist in conven-

tional reservoirs will provide

enough to meet more than 120

years of demand at today’s

consumption rates.

TYNDP 2015

The fourth edition of the Ten-Year Network Development

plan was published on 16 March 2015. It was the first

report developed within the joint Third Energy Package

and new TEN-E Regulation.

The adapted CBA methodology was fully implemented to

develop TYNDP 2015. Compared to the previous edition, the

time horizon was extended from 10 to 21 years, price infor-

mation was included and a second demand scenario was

introduced. These changes have increased the amount of

information available in TYNDP and lead to a more complex


TYNDP was updated early in 2015 – at a late stage in its

development process – to reflect the announced cancella-

tion of the South Stream project. ENTSOG’s reaction allowed

the TYNDP report to be published on 16 March 2015, with

only a few weeks’ delay and in time to serve as the basis for

the second PCI selection. On 1 April 2015, following a re-

quest from the European Commission, ENTSOG launched

an exceptional call for projects in South-East Europe to miti-

gate the cancellation of South Stream. An addendum of

TYNDP 2015, including the projects collected during this

call, was published on 29 June 2015.

Following the release of the report, ENTSOG held public

consultation from 31 March to 5 June 2015 and organised a

public workshop from 19 to 20 May 2015 to collect stake-

holders’ views on TYNDP 2015. On 23 July, ENTSOG pub-

lished the analysis of the public consultation feedback and

submitted TYNDP to ACER. ACER published its opinion on

TYNDP 2015 on 20 October 2015. ENTSOG has built on

ACER opinion and stakeholders feedback to propose im-

provements for the next edition of TYNDP.

Support for Regional Groups

On behalf of promoters, ENTSOG committed to a second

selection to handle the modelling part of the project-specif-

ic CBA for project candidates to the PCI label. This ensured

a streamlined and consistent delivery of the project assess-


In addition, ENTSOG has actively participated in the region-

al groups and supported their work in selecting PCIs.

ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |