ENTSOG TP provides technical and commercial data on gas
transmission systems, which include interconnection points
and connections with storages, LNG facilities, distribution
networks, final consumers and production facilities. The
current version of ENTSOG TP was launched on 1 October
2014. It was developed with the aim of improving transpar-
ency, user friendliness and data publication capabilities. It
is a powerful tool providing the means for gas TSOs to fulfil
their data publication obligations (see Chapter 3, Annex I,
Regulation (EU) No 715/2009). ENTSOG received strong
support from many stakeholders with regard to TP function-
ality and the information provided therein.
Link to the Transparency Platform:
https://transparency.entsog.eu/New Functionality
In order to improve the usability of ENTSOG TP, ENTSOG
deployed the following features in 2015:
Tool to easily recognise virtualised physical points, and
easy access to historical data published before virtual-
Tool to detect competing points in context of CAMNC
Functionalities for recognising exemptions or non-applicability of TSOs’ data publications due to policy
or operational reasons. Through so-called “NA func-
tionality” and “Minus sign functionality”, TP informs
users on reasons for absence of data and helps them
differentiate between publication exemptions and real
missing data
Possibility to publish Within-Day capacity information
in line with CAMNC requirements
TP Monitoring tool providing detailed statistical
information on TP usage to ENTSOG
Data publication
ENTSOG and TSOs work closely together on a daily basis to
achieve the highest quality and comprehensiveness of the
data published on the platform.
To satisfy and serve the market expectations of data quality
and transparency, an internal monitoring process has been
established to facilitate the joint efforts of ENTSOG and its
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2015