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The Gas Coordination Group (GCG) is a platform estab-

lished by Regulation (EU) 994/2010 that introduces

measures of safeguarding the security of gas supply.

The role of GCG is to exchange information and best prac-

tices, to facilitate Security of Supply (SoS) standards and to

support supply-and-demand balance especially in critical

situations. Members include the European Commission,

representatives of EU Member States, ENTSOG, and other

international organisations as well as the industry.

ENTSOG is responsible for coordinating TSO expertise with

respect to assessing the interconnected gas infrastructure,

especially through modelling analyses. As part of its regular

contributions, ENTSOG published Summer Supply Outlook

2015 and Winter Supply Outlook 2015/16.


Both associations have continuously reinforced their

collaboration over the recent years.

The development of a methodology to assess the gas

demand for power generation as part of TYNDP 2015 and

CBA methodology was made possible through the close

cooperation of the System Development areas of both asso-

ciations. The methodology describes the possible evolution

of the power generation mix in each European country.

Cooperation between both associations on System Develop-

ment takes place under the umbrella of the common

ENTSO-E/ENTSOG CoGasEl Task Force created in 2014.

The Task Force was very active in 2015. It worked on the

concept to fulfil Regulation (EU) 347/2013 requirement of

a “consistent and interlinked gas and electricity model”. By

31 December 2016, both ENTSOs will jointly submit their

proposal for a “consistent and interlinked gas and electrici-

ty model” to the European Commission and ACER.

Both associations also cooperated on their Winter Outlooks,

which allowed them to reflect on the ability to mitigate gas

security-of-supply issues by substituting gas-fired genera-

tion by other generation means as part of ENTSO-E Winter

Outlook. The two ENTSOs organised a joint webinar on their

Winter Outlooks on 16 December 2015.

In addition, ENTSO-E and ENTSOG cooperated on the

alignment between ENTSO-E’s TYNDP 2016 visions and

ENTSOG’s TYNDP 2017 demand scenarios and on the con-

sequent use of ENTSO-E’s TYNDP 2016 serves as a basis

for gas demand for power generation in TYNDP 2017.

Since November 2015, ENTSOG has participated in

ENTSO-E’s TF Scenario.

ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |