Image: Adobe Stock
Natural gas has a higher conversion-
efficiency than other fossil fuels when
producing electricity or heat, meaning
less energy is lost in the process.
ENTSOG methodologies, tools and data scenarios are
being continuously improved. In 2014, ENTSOG finalised
many deliverables planned in previous years’ AWP.
Altogether it enabled cost-benefit analysis methodology to
be implemented. The resulting improvements were also
implemented in other deliverables such as the Supply
The Supply and Demand (S&D) and Network Modelling
(NeMo) Kernel Groups form the core of the Investment
Working Group in charge of developing innovative ap-
proaches and tools.
Supply and Demand Kernel Group
S&D KG performs research to expand knowledge of the
supply and demand aspects of European gas. This know
ledge is used to develop an improved definition of the as-
sumptions and approaches used in the seasonal outlooks
and TYNDP.
In 2015, S&D KG deepened its knowledge of ENTSO-E
TYNDP input data and results and consequently improved
the approach to gas demand for power generation for
TYNDP 2017. In addition, the Kernel Group defined ration-
ales for three demand scenarios to be used by TSOs when
providing demand data for TYNDP 2017.
ENTSOG’s R&D activity also includes other matters such as
evaluating the impact of demand-side measures. Consider-
ation of these issues is underway and will continue through-
out 2016. In 2015, ENTSOG and ENTSO-E already cooper-
ated on their Winter Outlooks, which allowed them to reflect
on the ability to mitigate gas security-of-supply issues by
substituting gas-fired generation means by other generation
means as part of ENTSO-E Winter Outlook.
Network Modelling Kernel Group
In 2015, ENTSOG factored in feedback from TYNDP 2015
and, consequently, began to improve its modelling ap-
proach. One such improvement is the modelling of high-
demand situations (making use of average climatic year
modelling results) independently from the rest of the year.
This was tested successfully within Winter Outlook
2015/2016. ENTSOG also initiated a change in the pro-
gramming language which will allow for faster simulations.
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2015