Professional Information
Land Registry —
Lost Wills
Issue of New Land Certificate
An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the
Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original
Land Certificate as stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new
Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within
twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original
Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the
registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the
Certificate is being held.
Dated 24th day of December, 1983.
B. Fitzgerald (Registrar of Titles)
Central Office. Land Registry. Chancery Street, Dublin 7.
COLLINS, Frederick Howard, deceased, late of Northern Bank Ltd., Ramclton.
County Donegal. Date of death: 3rd October, 1983. Would any person holding a
Will on behalf of the above-named please contact the undermentioned Solicitors.
Osborne &. Co.. Solicitors, Milford, County Donegal.
McDARBY, Leo, late of Newtownpillsworth. Maganey, Co. Carlow and also 24
Beechwood Park. Carlow. died on the 22nd September, 1983. Would any person
holding a Will on behalf of the above named please contact the undermentioned
solicitors. Clarke JelTcrs & Co.. Solicitors, 13. Dublin Street. Carlow.
PYNE, Richard, late of Tiernaglohane, Cooraclare, (otherwise Gowcr South.
Cooraclare) Kilrush in the County ofClare and formerly of New Zealand, Farmer.
Will any person having knowledge of the whereabouts of any Will of the above-
named deceased who died on the Ist day of November, 1983, please communicate
with Messrs. McMahon & Williams. Solicitors, Kilrush, County Clare.
1. REGISTERED OWNER: Nicholas Furlong (deceased); Folio No.: 2837;
Lands: Maytown; Area: 52a. Ir. I3p.; County: WEXFORD.
2. REGISTERED OWNER: McMullan Bros. Limited; Folio No.: 13032 and
17277; Lands: (I)Clonbrusk (F. 17277),(2)Clonbrusk (F. 13032); Area: (I)0a.
Or. 33p.. (2) 0a. 2r. I8p.; County: WESTMEATH.
3. REGISTERED OWNER: Christopher and Niamh Bain; Folio No.: 2I78F;
Lands: Gilroe; Area: la. Or. 20p.; County: GALWAY.
4. REGISTERED OWNER: James Anthony Costello & Ann Costello; Folio
No.: 38I6F; Lands: Trughanacmy; Area: 0a. 2r. 6p.; County: KERRY.
5. REGISTERED OWNER: Richard Dalton; Folio No.: 2305; Lands:
Clashacrow; Area: 22a. Ir. 17p.; County: KILKENNY.
6. REGISTERED OWNER: Patrick Farrell, Turtoughalanger. Athenry, Co.
Galway; Folio No.: 6378; Lands: (I) Turloughalanger,(2) Furzypark; Area:
(I) 10a. 3r. I6p.,(2) 18a, Ir. 5p.; County: GALWAY.
7. REGISTERED OWNER; Leo Doyle; Folio No.: 17233; Lands: Brockagh;
Area: — ; County: QUEENS.
8. REGISTERED OWNER: Patrick Murphy; Folio No.: 6297; Lands:
Davidstown; Area: 33a. Ir. I2p.; County: WICKLOW.
9. REGISTERED OWNER: William Henry Leicester Stanhope: Folio No.:
18735 and 18736; Lands: Logaunshire; Area: 50a. Ir. I4p.; County:
10. REGISTERED OWNER: William Ryan; Folio No.: 1969; Lands: (I)
Coolnapisha, (2) Coolnapisha; Area: (I) 7a. 2r. Op., (2) 66a. Or. Op.; County:
11. REGISTERED OWNER: James Gorman; Folio No.: 30IR now closed to
18580; Lands: (I) Forest Lower,(2)Townparks; Area: (I) 31a.
2r.Op.,(2) 12a.
3r. Op.; County: QUEENS.
12. REGISTERED OWNER: Patrick Coary; Folio Na: 9475; Lands:
Cloonlunny; Area: 24a. -r. 5p.; County: ROSCOMMON.
13. REGISTERED OWNER: John Ryan; Folio No.: 2137; Lands: Shauacloon;
Area: 20a. 3r. 27p.; County: LIMERICK.
14. REGISTERED OWNER: Patrick Crowe; Folio No.: 5903; Lands: Gortussa
(part); Area: 26a. 3r. 20p.; County: TIPPERARY.
15. REGISTERED OWNER: Joy Franoes Semplc; Folio No.: 4843; Lands:
Dmmmin West; Area: 4a. 3r. 9'/
p.; County: WICKLOW.
16. REGISTERED OWNER: James Delahunty; Folio No.: 12162; Lands:
Ballymaddock; Area: 47a. Or. I4p.; County: LAOIS.
17. REGISTERED OWNER: Gabriel T. Tierncy; Folio No.: 26415; Lands:
Munlough North; Area: 0a. Ir. 23p.; County: CAVAN.
18. REGISTERED OWNER: Roscmarie O'Hara; Folio No.: 29514; Lands:
Foxford (Part); Area: 10 perches; County: MAYO.
19. REGISTERED OWNER: Joseph Keane, Lisdoonvarna, County Clare; Folio
No.: 3193; Lands: Baltyinsheen More; Area: 16a. -r. 30p.; County: CLARE.
20. REGISTERED OWNER: James Bourke, Oldtort. Portumna. Co. Galway;
Folio No.: 16442; Lands: (I) Shanvally, (2) Sawnagh, (3) Claggernagh West;
Area: (I) 14a. Ir. 24p., (2) I la. Or. 28p., (3) 7a. Ir. 2p.; County: GALWAY.
Professional Information
R. V. SHANNON &CO., A.C.C. House.Swords. Co. Dublin, wish to advise that
they have taken over the legal practice of D. D. MacDonald A Co. of 55 Merrion
Square, Dublin 2.
PRACTICE TO PURCHASE required by experienced solicitor. Partnership or
association considered. Area: Galway, Connemara. Reply Box No. 072.
LITIGATION SOLICITOR seeks vacancy in Dublin area. 5 yean successful
experience as a Barrister. 9 months experience gained in Soliciton' practice in
charge of litigation department. C.V. available on request. Box No. 073.
Binders which will hold 20 issues are available
from the Society.
Price: £5.14 (incl. VAT) • 87p postage.