Security Shredding Ltd.
Station Road, Portmarnock, Dublin.
Telephone: 460966/460961. Telex: 24364.
Are you having problems disposing of Confidential Files, Documents etc.?
If so we are the people to contact.
We collect the Documents from your premises and put them through our
Confidential Shredding Department. On completion we then issue a Certificate
of Destruction.
For further details why not give Peter Ganley or Len O'Hagen a call.
In offices
it pays to
In choosing a heating system, the cost of fuel isnt the whole story.
Electric heating systems for commercial premises are generally less
expensive than oil or gas. They're easier and cheaper to install, need
little or no maintenance, no fuel store, no boilerhouse or flue.
Electric heating's highly efficient too—90% tor storage heating
against 65% or so for oil or gas. Night rate storage heating is excellent
value (or business premises; it now costs just 38% of the normal rate.
j i g O S D j i ESB s t a f f
a r e
ready with advice and information about all commercial uses of electricity
and about the most advantageous tariffs for business. Contact your local ESB Office.