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Plaintiff attained full age on 3 March

1979. The Court made an Order joining

the Underwriters as defendants and in a

reserved judgment gave liberty to the

Plaintiff to proceed in his own name;

extended the time fixed by the Rules for

acceptance of the money lodged in Court

with the Defence and dismissed the

Underwriters Motion. The Underwriters


The Supreme Court held in allowing

the appeal that the money paid into Court

by the Underwriters never reached the

Plaintiff and he never acquired title to it. It

remained in Court standing to the credit of

the Account specified by the title and

serial number of the Action. As the

Plaintiff was an infant he could not get any

title to it without an Order of the Court

(0.22,R. 10 (1)). Approving the dictum of

Lord Denning in

Kiriri Cotton Co. Ltd.,

v. Dewani

[1960] A.C. 192,204: "The true

proposition is that money paid under a

mistake of law

by itself and without more,

cannot be recovered back." (Emphasis

supplied); the Court held that in this case

subsequent events rendered the lodgment

nugatory. By the time an effort was made

to establish the Plaintiffs entitlement to

the money lodged the Underwriters had

established by judicial Order that it was

Ryans' fraud that had hoodwinked them

into making the lodgment in the first place.

The Plaintiff had become a man of full age

and was now thoroughly aware of the

fraud and of its implications. The money

remained with the Accountant of the

Courts of Justice in what was virtually a

suspense account and the Court would be

giving efficacy to a course of fraudulent

conduct if it gave an Order sought by the

Plaintiff. Appeal allowed to the extent of

directing that the money in Court be paid

out to the Underwriters and dismissing the

PlaintifTs claim to it

Considered: Rules of the Superior


Cases considered:

Nelson v. Larholt

[1948] 1 K.B.339;




[1949] 89 Lr.L.T.R.159.

Cumper v.


[ 1951 ] 2 K.B.5 8 and 70.


Cotton Co. Ltd.



[1960] A.C.

192 and 204;

Patrick Carey v. W. H. Ryan

Limited and Duncan


McMillan and John Jervois.


Court — 22 February 1982. (per Henchy,

J. (Nem.Diss.)) — [1982]. ILRM 121.

Franklin J. O'Sullivan

Edited by Gary Byme

Copies ofjudgments in the above cases are

available to members on request from the

Society's Library.
