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EuroWire – January 2009


technical article

Advances in High Speed

Optical Fibre Colouring

By Dr Harri Turunen, Timo Hietaranta, Jukka Mönkkönen, Dr Tim Dougherty, Nextrom (USA) Inc, Conover, North Carolina, USA;

and Nextrom OY, Vantaa, Finland


A high speed optical fibre colouring/

upcoat line has been developed to improve

productivity and to provide the flexibility

to manufacture a variety of quality

products. This paper focuses upon the

design of key line components to achieve

speeds up to 3,000m/min for colouring. A

robust mechanical and electrical design,

in combination with optimised tooling,

improved UV lamp system, UV monitoring

instrumentation and increased spool sizes

provide the capability to produce longer

fibre lengths with faster set-ups. The result

is a significant productivity improvement.

1 Introduction

The fibre optic industry is steadily

recovering and is very competitive. This has

generated a renewed interest in process

productivity and the need for equipment

flexibility to manufacture a variety of new

products. During the past few years, the

development of faster curing UV acrylate

resins provided the opportunity for higher

line speeds. In addition, the development

of new fire retardant coatings has led to a

new generation of fibre upcoat products

for premise cable applications

[1] [2]


This work focuses upon productivity

improvements for optical fibre colouring/

upcoat equipment. A new machine has

been developed to achieve higher speeds

in combination with longer lengths and

faster set-ups to provide the flexibility

to efficiently manufacture a variety of

products. The new line is shown in

Figure 1


It consists of a large capacity spool pay-off

in the lower left, a dancer for pay-off

speed control, a coating station in the

upper centre, followed by a series of high

powered UV lamps below the coater. The

capstan is located in the lower right. The

fibre then passes through a dancer and a

‘tension balancer’, which reduces loops

causing OTDR steps, before being precisely

wound onto a large capacity traversing

take-up spool.





available, as well as ring marking. Other

options include UV intensity and oxygen

measurements to assure proper UV cure

during long production runs



Colouring trials were conducted on a

prototype line, which is shown in

Figure 2


reference. The primary difference between

the prototype and commercial lines was

the relocation of the capstan to the bottom

to make room for optional ring marking

at the top.

2 Critical line


The high speed manufacture of coloured

fibres requires improved designs for key

line components. Development focused

upon the pay-off and take-up design to

allow larger and heavier spools, improved

coater tooling to facilitate set-up and fibre

string up, as well as a robust precision

motor drive and control system. New

efficient UV power supplies provide

continuously variable power to the UV

lamps to assure proper cure from start-up

to 3,000m/min.

2.1 Die design

A new colouring applicator was developed

and tested for operation up to 3000m/

min. The challenge was to create the

appropriate pressure inside the coater to

seal the die entrance while maintaining

acceptable fibre tension levels. The line

performance was demonstrated using

DSM Desotech Cablelite® 751 and DX-1000

series inks over a range of operating


The results were then compared to

theoretical models. The die tensions, fibre

pay-off or back tensions, and total or maxi-

mum tensions are presented in

Figure 3


the average of 751 and DX-1000 colours.

Note that die tensions did not significantly

increase with speeds. This is due to both

shear thinning and shear heating of the

polymer at high speeds. Also note that

the DX-1000 series processed with slightly

higher tensions. This was due to its higher

viscosity as shown in

Figure 4


The higher viscosity provides stability

by reducing settling during storage

and between runs. An Arrhenius model

was used to fit viscosity data. Note that

10-15°C higher processing temperatures

for DX-1000 inks would produce viscosities

similar to 751 inks.

Optical grade fibres were coloured during

some of the high speed trials to allow

attenuation measurements at 1,310nm

and 1,550nm. The attenuation increases

were less than 0.01 dB/km at 3,000m/min

for the 751 and DX-1000 inks.

Figure 2


Prototype line

Figure 1


OFC 52i