August 2015
ntering the Southern African earth-
moving market in late 2014, the
latest generation Cat 340D2 L is a
key mid-range unit in Caterpillar’s
large excavator line-up and de-
signed for high production loading of mobile
crushing and screening plants, as well as 28
tonne payload capacity trucks.
One of the first contractors to deploy the Cat
340D2 L in Southern Africa is Raubex Group
Limited company, SPH Kundalila (SPH), which
has a proud history in the mining and allied
materials handling industries that dates back to
its foundation in 1969.
Key SPH services encompass drilling and
blasting; crushing and screening; ore load-
ing and handling; haul road construction and
maintenance; plus mine rehabilitation services.
SPH’s new Cat 340D2 L is nowworking at one
On site at Pilanesberg PlatinumMine are (from left) Michaël
Fourie, SPH Kundalila project manager, and Regardt Keller,
SPH Kundalila site accountant.
SPH Kundalila is forging ahead on its materials handling
contract at Pilanesberg PlatinumMines, where 40 and
50 tonne class Cat hydraulic excavators form the back-
bone of the run of mine ore crushing programme.
Cat machines perform
for SPH Kundalila
of the company’s Saldanha projects on the West
Coast, joining an existing fleet of Cat 340D L
units deployed across various SPH contracts
nationally. These include SPH’s Pilanesberg
PlatinumMines project in North West province,
an uninterrupted ROM (run of mine) stockpile
movement contract first awarded in 2009.