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August 2015





he Platreef project is 64 %-owned

by Ivanhoe through its subsidiary,

Ivanplats, and 10 %-owned by a

Japanese consortium of ITOCHU

Corporation and its affiliate, ITC

Platinum; Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National

Corporation (JOGMEC); and Japan Gas Corpo-

ration. The remaining 26 % interest is held by

B-BBEE partners, which include communities,

employees and entrepreneurs.

Since 2007, Ivanhoe has focused its explo-

ration activities on defining and advancing

the down-dip extension of its original Platreef

discovery, now known as the Flatreef deposit,

which is viewed as being amenable to highly

mechanised, underground mining methods.

The construction of the large, concrete

shaft collar and plenum is well underway.

Construction is nearing completion on the

foundations for the large winding equipment

required for deeper shaft sinking. The winding

equipment has been refurbished and is being

stored off-site. Commissioning is underway for

the installed pre-sink winder that will be oper-

ated during initial sinking down to 60 m.

Other work on site includes the construc-

tion of the primary terraces for Shaft 1 and

the stormwater pond. A total of 73 % of the

611 permanent and contract workers presently

employed by the company are from the local


Ivanhoe completed a pre-feasibility study

(PFS) in January 2015 that covered the first

phase of development that is expected to

include construction of an underground mine,

concentrator and other associated infrastructure

to support initial concentrate production by

2019. There will be opportunities to refine and

modify the timing and capacities of subsequent

phases of production to suit market conditions

during the development and commissioning

Sinking operations


to start at

Platreef project

Collar construction in

progress for the 975 m deep,

7,25 m dia Shaft 1 (photo:


In its review of operations for the second quarter of 2015, TSX-listed Ivanhoe

Mines, which is developing the Platreef project near Mokopane on the Northern

Limb of the Bushveld Complex, says that commissioning is underway for the

pre-sink winder that will be used to sink Platreef’s Shaft 1 to a depth of approxi-

mately 60 m below surface. It also reports that (as of 12 August), construction of

the foundations for the large winding equipment needed to sink the shaft below

60 mwere almost complete.

of the first phase. The feasibility study, based

on the first phase, began earlier this month

(August 2015).

As detailed in the PFS, the first phase mine

will be a mechanised underground operation

using the longhole stoping mining method

with a 4 Mt/a concentrator and a planned ini-

tial average annual production rate of 433 000

ounces of platinum, palladium, rhodium

and gold (3PE+Au), plus 19 million pounds

of nickel and 12 million pounds of copper.

The PFS estimated a pre-production capital

requirement of approximately US$1,2 billion,

including US$114 million in contingencies, at

a rand/dollar exchange rate of 11 to 1. Ivanhoe

is planning three stages of development with

phase 2 doubling production and phase 3 tak-

ing it to 12 Mt/a, which would make the mine

one of the largest PGM operations in the world.

The shaft-sinking contractor for Shaft 1 –

which will be used to extract a mineralised

bulk sample for metallurgical testing from the

800-m level of the Flatreef deposit – is Aveng

Mining. The shaft will have an internal diam-

eter of 7,25 m and is projected to reach a total

depth of 975 m in 2018.