August 2015
The board of ASX-listed Kimberley
Diamonds Ltd (KDL) has given the ‘green
light’ for the recommencement of mining,
processing and diamond sales operations
at the Lerala diamond mine in Botswana
and has approved the expenditure of
A$14,6 million to be spent on upfront capi-
tal items required to bring the plant and
mine to a state of readiness.
KDL has entered into a lump sum
turnkey contract with Consulmet for modi-
fications to the plant at Lerala to allow it
to operate more effectively and reliably
treat 200 tonnes per hour. KDL has been
in ongoing discussions with Consulmet
regarding the plant modification work
since 2014.
Consulmet will be paid approximately
A$9,83 million to undertake the plant
modifications and is scheduled to com-
plete the work by February 2016.
Discussions with Consulmet had been
on hold since December 2014 until KDL
was able to raise the funds required to pro-
ceedwith themodifications. As announced
in June 2015, KDL has now received the
first A$5 million under the terms of a loan
agreement entered into with a third party
lender, Zhejiang Huitong Auction Co Ltd
Consulmet is a South African-based
company which specialises in the design,
supply and construction of mineral process-
ing plants, and has significant experience
designing plants for diamond producers,
having operated in Africa since 1993.
Included within the Consulmet scope
is the procurement of new or modified
equipment including a primary scrubber
module; a secondary crusher surge bin
module; a secondary crusher module; a
DMS surge bin module; and a recovery
In addition and due to its long delivery
time, KDL purchased a Kawasaki CYBAS-i
cone crusher in mid-2014 as a replacement
secondary crusher and this is ready for
delivery from South Africa when required.
In parallel to the work being undertaken
by Consulmet, KDL has a detailed schedule
of activities it will also be undertaking at
Lerala prior to recommencement of opera-
tions, including construction of slimes and
process water containment facilities, infra-
structure and communications upgrades,
and the recruitment and training of opera-
tional and support personnel.
In addition, ongoing discussions are
Consulmet awarded contract for Lerala plant upgrade
The Lerala mine showing the crusher installation (photo: Kimberley Diamonds).
The processing plant at Lerala was commissioned
in 2008 by DiamonEx, the developer of the mine.
The project was acquired by Kimberley Diamonds
in 2014 (photo: Kimberley Diamonds).
currently taking place with prospective
mining contractors who have submitted
qualifying tenders for the contract min-
ing at Lerala. It is anticipated that a final
selection will be made and the contract
awarded in October 2015. The mining con-
tractor will commence site establishment
shortly thereafter in order to start mining
in February 2016.
The plant will start commissioning on