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Compan i es

( Ame n dme n t) Ac t 1 9 86

Se c t i on 17

This Section of the Act was de-

signed to enable subsidiaries of

parent companies within the EEC to

avoid the necessessity of filing

accounts w i th the Annual Return.

The Section sets out the procedures

which must be followed if a subsidi-

ary of an EEC parent company

wishes to avail of this exemption.

However, the actual wording of

the Section has caused consider-

able u n c e r t a i n ty b o th in t he

a c c o u n t a n cy

and t he



Practitioners have raised queries

as to the nature and enforceability

of the guarantee required by the

legislation, the timing and the

wording of such guarantee.

A sub-committee of the Company

Law Committee have had a meeting

w i t h a s ub - c omm i t t ee of the

Institute of Chartered Accountants

concerning this matter and submis-

sions to the Minister for Industry

and Commerce are being con-


In such submissions it is intended

to raise,

inter alia,

the following


1. The unsatisfactory position and

in particular, the enforceability of

the guarantee given;

2 . The time at which the guarantee

should be granted; and

3 . The actual wo r d i ng of the


As soon as further information is

to hand a further note will be

published in the


In the meantime, all solicitors

should exercise caution in the pre-

paration of such guarantees.

The Company Law


Company Law/Pub l i c ly

Quo t ed Compan i es

Practitioners acting on behalf of

Public Limited Companies which

have a quote on one of the markets

should be aware of the following:-

1. The Stock Exchange guidelines

in regard to the disapplication of

shareholders pre-emptive rights.

2 . The Irish Insurance Federation

guidelines (as equity investors)

on profit sharing and share

option incentive schemes.

Copies of these guidelines, if

required, can be obtained from the

appropriate bodies.

The Company Law


Hous i ng (Rent Tr ibunal)

Regu l a t i ons

The Minister for the Environment

has made regulations under the

Housing (Private Rented Dwellings)

Act, 1982 amending the provisions

in the Housing (Rent Tribunal) Regu-

lations, 1983, regarding the award-

ing of costs and expenses by the

Rent Tribunal.

The Rent Tribunal was established

in August, 1983 under Section 2 of

t he Hou s i ng (Private Ren t ed

Dwellings) (Amendment) Act, 1983

to replace the District Court as the

arbitrating body for determining

terms of tenancy of dwellings which

were formerly controlled under the

Rent Restrictions Acts.

The new regulations, known as

the Housing (Rent Tribunal) Regula-

tions, 1983, (Amendment) Regula-

tions, 1988, came into force on 1st

July 1988 and will apply to applica-

tions received by the Tribunal on or

after that date. The main provision

of the regulations allows the Rent

Tribunal to make awards in cases

where applications are determined

without an oral hearing. Formerly,

costs could be awarded only in

respect of oral hearings. Also, the

Rent Tribunal w i ll have more

discretion in making awards in any

case. The new provisions will ensure

a more balanced and equitable

treatment of parties in written cases

where, very often, costs similar to

those in oral cases are incurred.

Soc i al We l fare —

Oral Hear i ngs

The standard payment made to

solicitors w ho a t t end at oral

hearings will be increased to £30.00

from 1 October, 1988.

S t a t us of Ch i l d r en Ac t ,


This Act was passed on 14

December, 1987, and Part V of the

Act came into operation on 14 June,

1988. The main effect of this Part

is to apply to the Succession Act,

1965 (Section 30) and to wills and

other dispositions (Section 27) the

general principle that relationships

between persons are to be deter

mined without regard to whether

any person's parents were or have

been married to each other.

The Land Reg i s t ry

wo u ld

appreciate that in drafting affidavits

for Land Registration applications


shou ld


t aken


practitioners to ensure that the

provisions of Part V of the Act are

complied with.

Local Gove r nment (Mu l t i

Storey Bu i l d i ngs) Ac t


This Act has been passed by both

houses of the Oireachtas and is

most likely to become law in the

near future. It will become law when

the Minister for the Environment

makes a Commencement Order.

It is understood that the Com-

mencement Order will be made as

soon as the necessary Regulations

have been drafted.

This Act affects all multi storey

buildings which were not completed

on or before the 1st January, 1950.

"Mu l ti Storey Building" means a

building comprising five or more

storeys, a basement being regarded

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2 45